How do you know if rear differential is bad?

How do you know if rear differential is bad?

A bad rear differential will develop a series of strange noises. It could be a whirring noise, a humming noise, growling noise, or whining noise. However, the most common sound of a bad differential is whining or howling noise, indicating a damaged or worn-out ring and pinion gears.

What happens when a rear differential fails?

When a rear differential fails, it can cause vibration, noise and fluid leaks that impact a vehicle’s acceleration and driveability. A driver should consult a certified mechanic to deal with a bad rear differential and prevent further damage to the vehicle’s driving systems.

How much does it cost to have a rear differential rebuild?

If new gears are needed the price can be at least $1,500. Going to the worst-case scenario, if the differential is beyond repair, you’ll need the component to be replaced altogether. You can expect a rear differential replacement to cost up to $4,000.

How do I know if my differential is gone?

Your vehicle is quickly going through oil. Difficulty steering. A loud front differential noise, such as the grinding of gears, clunking, or a “howling” sound. Rear differential noises.

Can a bad differential cause transmission problems?

When the differential doesn’t perform well, it creates metal-on-metal friction that wears down surfaces. The resulting heat weakens gears and can cause component failure and transmission problems. Replacing or rebuilding a failed differential can be expensive.

Is the differential part of the transmission?

On front wheel drive vehicles the axle/differential assembly is located in the transmission axle assembly (transaxle). It’s part of your transmission service. Some four wheel drive vehicles require changing the axle oil every 30k miles. On other vehicles it’s every 60k miles or more.

Can a rear differential be repaired?

A typical rear differential repair costs anywhere between $200 and $400. These typical repairs would include your bearing, seals, and fluid changes. Of course, when a gear change is required, that’s when things get pricey. $1,500 is just the minimum you can expect to pay for new gears.

Can you drive with a bad rear diff?

Technically, you can drive with a bad differential, but it is not wise. The problem may get worse, to the point where it leaves you stranded somewhere. It can also cause damage to other surrounding components. It is smartest and safest not to drive with a bad differential.

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