Who is the top Diablo 3 player?

Who is the top Diablo 3 player?

Barbarian: Overall

Rank BattleTag® Time spent
1. Divine 13m 25.383s
2. Kappa 13m 41.466s
3. Nexrate 14m 21.366s
4. Mugen 14m 40.333s

Is Diablo 3 region locked?

Blizzard is making it easier for Diablo 3 owners to play with friends who live in other countries. Today they announced the game’s Global Play functionality, which enables players to access D3 game servers outside their own region.

How do I change region in Diablo 3?

Manually select your region:

  1. Exit Diablo III and log out of the Battle.net desktop app.
  2. Click the Gear icon and select Continue Without Logging In.
  3. Launch Diablo III.
  4. Click Options, then select Account.
  5. Select a region from the Server Region Selection dropdown and click Accept.
  6. Exit Diablo III.

Is Diablo 2 region locked?

Players can choose to play on game servers based in a variety of regions, regardless of what region they are connecting from. Supported regions will be listed in your game client. Some restrictions may apply.

Are Battle Net games region locked?

By default, you will play in your home region, which is determined by your country of residence. Choosing to play in a different region may negatively affect your connection to our servers. When your client patches, you will be locked out of any other regions that have not yet received that patch.

Is greater rift 150 Max?

The Greater Rift cap is staying at 150 8, but also because Blizzard says they won’t be raising the Greater Rift cap past level 150.

Which is the third game in the Diablo series?

Diablo III. Diablo III is a dungeon crawler hack-and-slash action role-playing game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment as the third installment in the Diablo franchise.

What kind of game engine does Diablo III use?

The developers sought to make the game run on a wide range of systems without requiring DirectX 10. Diablo III uses a custom 3D game engine in order to present an overhead view to the player, in a somewhat similar way to the isometric view used in previous games in the series.

How many copies of Diablo III have been sold?

Diablo III remains the fastest selling PC game to date, and also one of the best-selling PC video games. As of the end of 2012, it had sold more than 12 million copies, and as of March 2013, Blizzard stated that Diablo III had around 1 million daily players, with 3 million unique players each month. By May 2013,

How many characters are there in Diablo 3?

The five original character classes of Diablo III. From left to right: Wizard, Witch Doctor, Demon Hunter, Barbarian, and Monk. Character creation screen with the Demon Hunter selected There are five available character classes from Diablo III and two from the Reaper of Souls expansion, for a total of seven character classes.

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