What is the function of collateral gland in cockroach?

What is the function of collateral gland in cockroach?

The colleterial glands of insects are organs associated with the female genital apparatus. In cockroaches, these glands produce secretions that cover two parallel rows of eggs during oviposition, and in oviparous species, these secretions become the tanned, sculpted, rigid outer casing of the ootheca.

Is collateral gland present in male cockroach?

They act as female genital structures and guide the ova into the ootheca as ovipositors. So, the correct answer is A- Spermathecae, B- Collateral glands, C- Gonapophyses. – In male cockroaches also the external genitalia is termed as gonapophyses or phallomeres.

How many collateral glands are in cockroach?

The female cockroach has two collateral glands that form a hard egg case around the egg called ootheca.

Which gland is present only in female cockroach?

conglobate gland
Hint: Cockroaches are dioecious, that is, they exist as two separate sexes. The conglobate gland is also known as the phallic gland. This gland is present only in one of the sexes.

What is cockroach incorrect?

“Which is incorrect about cockroach?” by Biology experts to help you in doubts & scoring excellent marks in Class 11 exams. Male genital pouch contains ventral anus, dorsal male genital pore and gonapophysis….Question : Which is incorrect about cockroach?

Question Which is incorrect about cockroach?
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Which is absent in female cockroach?

In male cockroach, 9,h sternum bears a pair of short, unjointed thread-like anal styles which are absent in female. Anal cerci and antennae are present in both male and female cockroaches.

Where are sperms stored in cockroaches?

seminal vesicles
In cockroaches, the sperm are stored in the seminal vesicles which is a part of the reproductive system of the cockroach. In seminal vesicles, the sperms are glued together in the form of bundles which are known as spermatophores, and discharged during copulation.

Can male cockroaches lay eggs?

As with many animals, cockroach reproduction relies on eggs from a female and sperm from a male. Many female roaches drop or hide their ootheca shortly before the eggs are ready to hatch. Others continue to carry the hatching eggs and care for their young after they are born.

Can cockroaches fly?

Cockroaches such as Asian, brown, smokybrown and wood roaches are very capable fliers, but others, such as American cockroaches are a species that commonly uses its wings to glide. The bright green Cuban cockroaches fly as well.

Where are sperms stored in male cockroach?

In cockroaches, the sperm are stored in the seminal vesicles which is a part of the reproductive system of the cockroach.

How many Ovarioles do female cockroaches have?

eight ovarioles
There are two ovaries in female cockroach, one on either side of the alimentary canal. Each ovary consists of eight ovarioles or ovarian tubules which produce ova.

Where is sperm stored in cockroach?

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