How fast should you troll for stripers?

How fast should you troll for stripers?

According to the Fishaholics, when fish are less active, the ideal speed is about 2.0 to 2.5 mph. When the fish does not bite, or the bite is tough, it is better to go below to 2.0 mph. However, if striped basses are active, you can opt for a higher speed between 2.5 and 3.5 mph.

What is the best speed to troll?

The best trolling speed depends on several factors including the type of fish, water conditions and lure choice. In general, trolling speeds between 1.5 and 2.5 mph, as measured by GPS, are a good starting place for most species like walleye, trout and salmon.

How deep do you troll for striped bass?

Light: Also sunrise and sunset hours are ideal for stripers. Also, as importantly, boat traffic is at a minimum during these times. Depth: Your focus is on bottom dwelling fish. Have gear for the depths you’ll be fishing, say 10′ to 50′.

What is a good trolling speed for rockfish?

typically 3 knots is good. However, a lot of times in the fall when the water temp is cold I would suggest going a little slower than 3 like 2.6 or so. In the summer a lot of times i’ve caught rockfish going 4+.

How do you troll mojos for striped bass?

The Mojo can be trolled by itself or in tandem with a lighter trailing Parachute stinger. To troll a Mojo by itself, send it to the bottom and either crank it up a foot or two. Troll at 2 to 3 knots when targeting stripers. Most anglers rig using 60-80 lb fluorocarbon for the abrasion resistance.

What time of day is best for striper fishing?

The best time of day to catch striped bass is early morning from dawn until about 2 hours after sunrise and late afternoon from 2 hours before sunset until dusk. Fishing for striped bass can be even better in the hours before a major cold front or rain event arrives.

How much line should I let out for a troll?

Trolling Depth Trick #3 Consider the following example: If you’re trolling a tandem rig tied with two five-ounce bucktails (5 x 2 = 10), and you let out 100 feet of line (double 50, so multiply by two again), according to the Rule it will run at about 20 feet below the surface (5 x 2 = 10 x 2 = 20).

Does trolling speed affect lure depth?

“But we found that, if anything, lures tend to run slightly deeper at slower speeds, even though the difference is a few inches at most.” Although a lure feels as if it’s running deeper when trolled or reeled quickly, what you’re actually feeling is water resistance.

What should I use to troll for striped bass?

While stripers will be hugging the bottom most often, at times, a bait swimming through the middle of the water column will get more bites. Different plugs will have different actions, so carry an array of deep divers including the Rapala X-Rap Magnum, Sebile Koolie Minnow, Mann’s Stretch, and Bomber CD.

Where should I troll for striped bass?

Stripers, particularly big ones, will tend to hang out in areas that will hold a food chain or create some sort of disturbance where bait is easily ambushed. This means rips, rocks, boulders, mussel beds, shorelines and drop offs; these are all great places to target.

What is the best rig for striped bass?

Striped Bass Rigs When using cut bait for striped bass, one of the most popular rigs is the fish finder rig. This rig can be found in the surf fishing kit attached with a circle hook between size 1/0 and 5/0. This rig is best used with 2-4 inch chunks of cut bait such as bunker, herring and mackerel.

What’s the best way to troll for stripers?

Downriggers offer another option for obtaining depth while striper trolling. A heavy lead “ cannon ball ” on a steel cable takes your lure deep and counters on them allow you to choose the exact depth. Set the counter to the level fish show on the depth finder or slightly above it.

What’s the best way to catch stripers in Virginia?

Trolling also takes lures deep—down in the 15- to 40-foot range where most stripers hang out for the bulk of the year. Guide Dale Wilson with a nice striper caught in winter on Virginia’s Smith Mountain Lake.

Is there such a thing as a perfect trolling speed?

Yes, zero can sometimes be the PERFECT speed if a school is right underneath you. HOW you are trolling artificial matters as well. If you are just trolling weight, you will want to stay on the low end closer to 2 as the faster you go, the more shallow your baits will run.

Where to find Stripers on a fishing boat?

When you find a school of shad, herring or alewives, stripers are usually close by. Finally, depth finders allow you to locate the stripers themselves on the display screen as large individual markings. Rods for trolling should have plenty of backbone, to resist the pressure of the moving boat and the big-lipped, diving plugs often used.

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