What is the coldest month in Mendoza Argentina?

What is the coldest month in Mendoza Argentina?


Quick Climate Info
Hottest Month January (79 °F avg)
Coldest Month July (48 °F avg)
Wettest Month January (0.48″ avg)
Windiest Month November (6 mph avg)

What is the Weather like in Argentina in January?

January Weather in Buenos Aires Argentina. Daily high temperatures are around 82°F, rarely falling below 75°F or exceeding 90°F. The highest daily average high temperature is 83°F on January 15. Daily low temperatures are around 69°F, rarely falling below 61°F or exceeding 76°F.

How often does it snow in Mendoza Argentina?

The average high during this season is between 94.8°F (34.9°C) and 84.8°F (29.3°C). On average, it rains or snows a smalll amount: 2 to 4 times per month.

Does it snow in Argentina in January?

Rainfall is abundant in the north-east, while snowfalls are frequent in the extreme south. In the south-central, in the Pampas and in Patagonia, there is a vast arid area….Rivadavia.

Month January
Max (°C) 36
Mean (°C) 28,5
Min (°F) 70
Max (°F) 97

Is January a good time to visit Argentina?

The best time to visit Buenos Aires is from April-June (fall) or from September-December (spring). During January and February—Buenos Aires’ summertime and peak tourist season—crowds as well as hotel room rates start to swell.

How cold does it get in Mendoza Argentina?

In Mendoza, the summers are hot and mostly clear, the winters are cold and partly cloudy, and it is dry year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 37°F to 88°F and is rarely below 30°F or above 96°F.

Does Mendoza Argentina get snow?

In addition to the vast amount of activities that Mendoza invites its visitors to perform as a whole, there is in the winter the adventure of snow. The mountain offers thank to the weather with little rain and drizzle, dust snow, brilliant sunshine and pleasant temperatures.

Can you drink tap water in Mendoza?

👍 In general, the water may be safe to drink in Mendoza.

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