Does Amoxicillin 875 treat STD?

Does Amoxicillin 875 treat STD?

Taking antibiotics is the only way to treat gonorrhea and chlamydia, and these antibiotics must be prescribed by a physician. This means you cannot treat these STDs at home.

What STD does amoxicillin treat?


Clinical recommendation Evidence rating
Azithromycin (Zithromax) or doxycycline (Vibramycin) is recommended for the treatment of uncomplicated genitourinary chlamydial infection. A
Amoxicillin is recommended for the treatment of chlamydial infection in women who are pregnant. A

Will amoxicillin 875 mg treat gonorrhea?

Amoxicillin is effective against many different bacteria including H. influenzae, N. gonorrhoea, E. coli, Pneumococci, Streptococci, and certain strains of Staphylococci.

Can amoxicillin clavulanate treat STD?

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid also is used sometimes to treat certain sexually transmitted diseases (STD). Talk to your doctor about the possible risks of using this medication for your condition.

Does amoxicillin get rid of chlamydia?

Official Answer. The following antibiotics are used in the treatment of chlamydia: doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, or levofloxacin. The antibiotic amoxicillin (from the penicillin family) is used for the treatment of chlamydia infections in pregnant women as an alternative to azithromycin.

What antibiotic is good for STD?

The various antibiotics prescribed for different bacterial STDs are:

  • Azithromycin, Doxycycline, and Erythromycin for Chlamydia.
  • Ceftriaxone, Cefixime, Ciprofloxacin, and Ofloxacin for Gonorrhea.
  • Ceftriaxone with doxycycline or azithromycin for Gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • Penicillin G for Syphilis.

Can amoxicillin get rid of chlamydia?

by The following antibiotics are used in the treatment of chlamydia: doxycycline, azithromycin, erythromycin, ofloxacin, or levofloxacin. The antibiotic amoxicillin (from the penicillin family) is used for the treatment of chlamydia infections in pregnant women as an alternative to azithromycin.

Can you take amoxicillin for gonorrhea?

Amoxicillin in a single 3.0-g dose is effective in treating gonorrhea.

Can you use amoxicillin for chlamydia?

Will amoxicillin treat syphilis?

Amoxycillin is thus a safe and effective oral agent for the treatment of all stages of syphilis in man.

Can amoxicillin treat chlamydia?

What is the best antibiotic for STDS?

Single-dose therapy with azithromycin is as effective as a seven-day course of doxycycline (Vibramycin). Doxycycline is less expensive, but azithromycin may be cost-beneficial because it provides single-dose, directly observed therapy.

Can you take amoxicillin if you have a STD?

2 Responses. Amoxicillin is not an optimal antibiotic for most STDs an is no longer the recommeded therapy for any STD. Although many strains of gonorrhea are now resistant to amoxicillin I would anticipate that about 70-75% of gonorrhea would be cured by the amoxicillin you were prescribed as would most chlamydial infections.

How often should I take amoxicillin for chlamydia?

What is the Amoxicillin For STD Dosage? The dosage that you will need will vary on a case-by-case basis. But in general, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends taking 500 mg of amoxicillin orally three times per day for seven days to treat certain STDs, including chlamydia. Can Amoxicillin Cure STD “Super” Infections?

Can you take amoxicillin if you have gonorrhea?

Now it’s time to discuss how to treat STDs with amoxicillin. Each STD is unique, so the treatment options will vary depending on the type of STD you have. On the whole, gonorrhea tends to be treatable with common drugs such as penicillin, ampicillin, tetracycline and doxycycline.

Which is better for chlamydia Augmentin or amoxicillin?

If dosed right: Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate) would help kill off some strains of gonorrhea, but not all. It would likely do nothing for chlamydia and many other STI’s.

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