How do I contact George Lucas?

How do I contact George Lucas?

For general and non-press inquiries, please email [email protected]. If you are a reporter working on a story, please email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For urgent requests, please also call 415-623-1962.

What movies did Steven Spielberg and George Lucas collaborate on?

Both men released their first major movies — Spielberg’s Duel and Lucas’ THX 1138 — in 1971. And they helped shape the future of cinema a few years later when Jaws and then Star Wars created the summer movie season. Spielberg once even praised Lucas in the most impressive way.

Where did Steven Spielberg and George Lucas meet?

The iconic filmmakers both attended a screening of the film DUEL at director Francis Ford Coppola’s house. The rest is history. At the time, Steven Spielberg was just another young filmmaker with promise.

Who is George Lucas wife?

Mellody Hobsonm. 2013
Marcia Lucasm. 1969–1983
George Lucas/Wife

Where is LucasArts located?

San Francisco
Lucasfilm Games

Formerly LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC (1990–2021)
Industry Video games
Founded May 1, 1982
Founder George Lucas
Headquarters Letterman Digital Arts Center, San Francisco, California , US

Are George Lucas and Spielberg friends?

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas have been longtime friends The two men have actually been friends for decades. In fact, the dual release of their respective movies, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Star Wars, in 1977 led to Spielberg owning a part of the latter hit.

Did Steven Spielberg go to film school?

Steven Spielberg He was eventually admitted into the film program at California State University, Long Beach, but dropped out in 1968 to make a 22-minute film entitled Amblin.

Does George Lucas have a child?

Amanda Lucas
Everest Hobson LucasJett LucasKatie Lucas
George Lucas/Children

Who is Mellody Hobson husband?

George Lucasm. 2013
Mellody Hobson/Husband

Did George Lucas own LucasArts?

LucasArts became known for its line of adventure games based on its SCUMM engine in the 1990s, including Maniac Mansion, the Monkey Island series, and several Indiana Jones titles….Lucasfilm Games.

Formerly LucasArts Entertainment Company, LLC (1990–2021)
Type Subsidiary
Industry Video games
Founded May 1, 1982
Founder George Lucas

How did Steven Spielberg and George Lucas meet?

They first met in 1967 when an eighteen year old Spielberg watched THX-1138. The George Lucas movie debuted at a student film festival at UCLA (University of California LA) the same place he got rejected from. Spielberg was blown away by what he had seen.

When did Spielberg make Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

Speilberg, on the other hand, had already made somewhat of a name for himself with Jaws in 1975. He was making Close Encounters of the Third Kind at the same time Lucas was making A New Hope in 1977, and once again the directors were battling each other. There’s nothing like a little healthy competition.

How did George Lucas and Michael Eisner meet?

Eisner already had a good relationship with the two friends, having been the Paramount Pictures Chairman who helped fund Raiders of the Lost Ark. Eisner first made a deal with Lucas to have access to use Star Wars in the new attraction called Star Tours, which was a huge hit when it opened in 1987.

Who are the people that Spielberg has endorsed?

Spielberg, Cameron, Jackson and Marvel have all had the endorsement and many other films like Braveheart have had it as part of their Home video release.

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