What means malade?

What means malade?

adjective. 1. [ personne] ill ⧫ sick. tomber malade to fall ill ⧫ to get sick (USA)

Is Malade masculine or feminine in French?


singulier pluriel
masculin malade malades
féminin malade malades

Is Malade in English word?

A disease is an illness which affects people, animals, or plants.

What is the feminine form of the French word malade?


masculin féminin
malade malades malade malades
plus malade plus malades moins malade moins malades plus malade plus malades moins malade moins malades

Is Malade a word?

I have a bad head (= headache) today. diseased tissue.

What does Je suis fatigue?

Translation of “je suis fatigué” in English. I’m tired I am tired I’m just tired I’m getting tired. I’m so tired.

Is Mal French?

The French words mauvais and mal can be tricky for French students because they both belong to three different parts of speech (adjectives, adverbs, nouns) and have similar meanings. If you have a poor understanding of the difference, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to read this lesson.

What are examples of maladies?

A malady is an illness, like a malady that keeps you home, sick in bed for days, or something that causes you to have trouble or to suffer, like jet lag — a malady that affects travelers.

What does it mean to disinter something?

transitive verb. 1 : to take out of the grave or tomb. 2 : to bring back into awareness or prominence also : to bring to light : unearth.

What is the difference between Le and Les in French?

With masculine singular nouns → use le. With feminine singular nouns → use la. With plural nouns → use les.

What does patient mean in French?

[ˈpeɪʃənt ] 1. [ of doctor] patient(e) m/f. in hospital) malade mf.

Where does the quetzal bird live in the world?

Quetzal Classification and Evolution. The Quetzal is a medium sized bird that is found inhabiting the moist, tropical rainforests of Central America from southern Mexico right down into Panama.

What are the threats to the quetzal bird?

The biggest threat however to the existing Quetzal population is loss of habitat as Human settlements and agriculture encroach more and more and their native habitats. The Quetzal is also commonly captured to be kept in captivity as a tourist attraction, although few rarely survive in these conditions.

What does the word Malade mean in English?

malade. English Translation. sick. More meanings for malade. sick adjective. malsain, maladif, pâle. patient noun.

Why was the quetzal so important to the Aztecs?

The Quetzal belong to the ‘Trogon’ family of birds which is the Greek word for “gnawing”, which is a distinctive trait to these birds. The Quetzal was seen as a sacred animal to ancient native people including the Aztec and the Maya and was often referred to as The Rare Jewel Bird of the World, along with regularly being depicted in native art.

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