What is the Secret Knowledge of water about?

What is the Secret Knowledge of water about?

Deserts are environments that can be inhospitable even to those who know the region. Craig Childs has spent years in the deserts of the American West, and his treks through arid lands in search of water reveal the natural world at its most extreme.

How many pages is The Secret Knowledge of Water By Craig Childs?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780316610698
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company
Publication date: 05/01/2001
Pages: 304
Sales rank: 177,608

How can you drown in the desert?

Quicksands occur in areas where the desert sand is saturated with water, thereby creating a semi-liquid state of water which often pulls people down into its lethal depths.

How is quicksand made?

Quicksand is created when water saturates an area of loose sand and the ordinary sand is agitated. When the water trapped in the batch of sand can’t escape, it creates liquefied soil that can no longer support weight.

What kills the most people in the Sahara?

For most of us, death in a desert means death by dehydration, but little do most know that, in deserts, death by drowning is much more common than death by dehydration.

Is quicksand on Netflix a true story?

Quicksand is not based on a real-life event but the story was written to reflect real-life class inequalities that its creators saw in Sweden.

Is quicksand real?

Real quicksand is certainly hard to get out of, but it doesn’t suck people under the way it always seems to in the movies. At higher stresses, quicksand liquefies very quickly, and the higher the stress the more fluid it becomes. This causes a trapped body to sink when it starts to move.

Does India have a desert?

The Thar Desert, also known as the Great Indian Desert, is a large arid region in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent that covers an area of 200,000 km2 (77,000 sq mi) and forms a natural boundary between India and Pakistan. The Thar Desert is about 4.56% of the total geographic area of India.

Who survived the shooting in quicksand?

Release. On 27 March 2019, the official trailer for the series was released. On 5 April 2019, the series had its release on Netflix.

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