Can you send wooden pallets to Australia?

Can you send wooden pallets to Australia?

Australia accepts solid timber packaging that is compliant with ISPM 15, but also offers alternative treatment options and will accept consignments of timber packaging that can meet the alternative requirements outlined in BICON.

What countries require ISPM 15?

Countries and their approximate ISPM 15 Adoption Date:

  • Algeria April 2017.
  • Argentina: June 2006.
  • Australia: September 2004; Complete Adoption: July 2010.
  • Bolivia: July 2005.
  • Brazil: June 2005.
  • Bulgaria: Jan 2006.

Are heat treated pallets required for international shipping?

Products that are shipped internationally on wood pallets must be heat-treated or fumigated and stamped with a mark of compliance. If the wood pallet does not conform to these international requirements, the product they carry will not be shipped. Not so with plastic pallets.

Are there international standards for wood packaging?

What are the international standards for wood packaging materials? The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures of International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) adopts International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ( ISPM s) to protect plant resources from the spread of invasive pests moving in global trade.

Are pallets treated in Australia?

Wooden pallets in Australia are typically either heat treated or treated with methyl bromide pesticide. Both methods are effective at killing parasites, fungus, and other pests which can live inside the timber. The treatment of wooden pallets is essential to protect delicate ecosystems in Australia and overseas.

Does plywood need fumigation in Australia?

– the answer is heat treatment. Because plywood, blockboard, MDF/HDF, OSB, hardboard, particle board and other man-made boards have been treated with heat during production. Because of no pests and insects, plywood and these man-made boards won’t be required for fumigation.

What does TR mean on a pallet?

Treatment Stamps Any pallet that is going to travel between countries must have a treatment stamp, even if no treatments have been applied.

Can you ship wood internationally?

ISPM-15 rules require that all international shipments using any species of raw wood packaging must be fumigated or heat treated to kill insects or fungus and stamped with the approved stamp(s), before goods are allowed entry or crossing through a participating country.

Is plywood OK for international shipping?

The easiest way to avoid problems related to ISPM 15 is not to use non-manufactured wood packing materials in international cargo transportation from the USA. Ship cargo from the USA on certified ISPM 15 pallets. Pack your goods with cardboard, plywood, veneer, etc. Otherwise, do not use wood in your packing at all.

Do pallets need to be fumigated?

For pallets that will remain inside the United States and products that will never be exported, no heat treating or fumigation is required. Only pallets (or lumber, crates, and other forms of wood packaging) that will be exported to other countries need be heat treated.

Do wooden pallets need to be treated?

Wood pallets are extremely versatile. Most pallet wood is not chemically treated if intended for domestic use. If it doesn’t carry a stamp or marking, then it was used only within the U.S. and is most likely already safe to use indoors.

Why are blue pallets illegal?

should avoid pallets which are painted (the blue, red and brown ones are usually collected and reused by the pallet company which supplies them). This stands for Methyl Bromide which is a harmful chemical used to prevent wood eating insects consuming the pallets.

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