How to greet in Rukwangali?

How to greet in Rukwangali?

  1. Good morning! Morokeni. Muna rara po!
  2. Good afternoon! Morokeni. Muna zuhwara po!
  3. Good evening! Morokeni. Muna tokwera po!
  4. Good night! Ngurova zeni. Tokwereni po. Rareni po.
  5. Hi/Hello! Moro!
  6. I am fine. Ame nawa tupu.

How do you say thank you in Rukwangali?

Rukwangali (Kavango) Fine, thank you: Hawe nawa tupu.

Where is kwangali spoken?

Kwangali, or RuKwangali, is a Bantu language spoken by 85,000 people along the Kavango River in Namibia, where it is a national language, and in Angola….Kwangali language.

Native to Namibia, Angola
Region Kavango River
Native speakers 152,000 (2018)

What is the meaning of Kavango?

The Kavango Region of Namibia is named after the people. In traditional politics they are divided into five kingdoms (Kwangali, Mbunza, Shambyu, Gciriku and Mbukushu), each headed by a hompa or fumu, both meaning “king”. Traditional law is still in use and legitimized by the Namibian constitution.

How do you say good morning in siLozi?

Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person)….Useful phrases in Lozi.

English siLozi (Lozi)
Good morning (Morning greeting) Lumela; U zuhile cwang’i?
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) Ki musihali
Good evening (Evening greeting) Lobala ka kozo
Good night Lobala ka kozo

What does the Kavango people eat?

Forming the border between Namibia and Angola for more than 400 km is the Okavango River, lifeline of the Kavango people, who make a living from fishing, cattle farming and cultivating sorghum, millet and maize on the wide fertile plains on either side.

Are there Coloureds in Namibia?

Coloured people in Namibia are people with both European and African, especially Khoisan and Bantu ancestry, as well as Indian, Malay, and Malagasy ancestry especially along the coast and areas bordering South Africa. Coloureds have immigrated to Namibia, been born in Namibia or returned to the country.

What do Kavango people wear?

The people of Kavango used animal skins, in their tradional outfits. They used various ornaments and ointment to cover themselves. Especially the women wore several rounds of necklaces made of ostrich shell beads. Women’s bodies were smeared with rukura, an ointment made of powdered wood mixed with fat.

How do you say I miss you in Lozi?

A collection of useful phrases in Lozi, a Bantu language spoken mainly in southwestern Zambia, and also in Zimbabwe, Bostwana, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Namibia….Useful phrases in Lozi.

English siLozi (Lozi)
I miss you
I love you Na ku lata
Get well soon U fole ka putako/ka pili
Go away! Zwa! Zamaya kafoo!

How do you say my love in Lozi?

‘ Kana ni ka mu bona hape? ‘

What race are Coloureds?

Coloureds (Afrikaans: Kleurlinge or Bruinmense, lit. “Brown people”) are a multiracial ethnic group native to Southern Africa who have ancestry from more than one of the various populations inhabiting the region, including Khoisan, Bantu, European, Austronesian, South Asian or East Asian.

What is the difference between basters and Coloureds?

A significant difference between Namibia’s Rehoboth Basters and Coloureds is that while the Basters have the Rehoboth area with which they can identify, the Coloureds have never inhabited a specific part of the country, and were not allocated a ‘homeland’ as were other non-white population groups during South African …

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