Is Hodder and Stoughton a publisher?

Is Hodder and Stoughton a publisher?

Hodder & Stoughton is a major publisher within Hachette UK, one of the UK’s biggest publishing groups. We publish a wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles and are renowned for passion, quality and delivering bestselling books in many different formats.

Where is Hodder and Stoughton located?

London, England
Hodder & Stoughton

Parent company Hachette
Country of origin United Kingdom
Headquarters location London, England
Imprints Hodder & Stoughton, Coronet, Hodder Faith, John Murray, Mulholland, Quercus, Saltyard, Sceptre, Two Roads
Official website

How do I contact Hodder and Stoughton?

Company Information

  1. Hodder & Stoughton Limited.
  2. Registered address: Carmelite House. 50 Victoria Embankment. London EC4Y 0DZ.
  3. Registration number: 651692.
  4. VAT number: 205505305.
  5. Telephone Number: +44 (0)20 3122 6777.
  6. Email: [email protected].
  7. For publicity and media enquiries please email: [email protected].

Where are Hodder Education books published?

First published 2007; updated 2015. Hodder Education is part of Hachette UK which is one of the largest and most diverse publishing groups in the UK, and also has offices and companies overseas in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong and the Middle East.

Who owns Hodder & Stoughton?

Hachette UK
Hachette Livre
Hodder & Stoughton/Parent organizations

How do I contact Hachette?

Please have your subscription number/order number ready, and include these details in any emails regarding your subscription to ensure that we can help you as quickly as possible….Contact us.

Collection Phone Email Address
Hachette Customer Service 0345 155 9277 [email protected]

Where is illuminate publishing based?

Illuminate Publishing is a UK-based independent educational publisher.

How can I get my textbook published?

4 Steps for Getting Your Book Published

  1. Edit and proofread. One or two typos won’t sink your career, but a bevy of them will make you look unprofessional.
  2. Identify a target audience for your book.
  3. Identify potential agents.
  4. Submit your book proposal.
  5. Submit directly to a publisher.

What is a Hodder?

Filters. (obsolete) A coal miner who hauls hods from the workface. noun. 1.

Is Hodder a Scrabble word?

No, hodder is not in the scrabble dictionary.

Where is Hachette books located?

New York City
A global publishing company based in France, Hachette Livre is a subsidiary of the French media company, Lagardère. HBG is headquartered in New York City with offices in Boston MA; Lebanon IN; Nashville TN; Boulder CO; Philadelphia PA; and Berkeley CA.

How do I submit a book to Little Brown and Company?

Little, Brown imprints only accept submissions sent to us via an agent. We do not accept any unsolicited material. The Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook (published by A & C Black) and The Writer’s Handbook (published by Macmillan) contain the addresses of all UK literary agents.

Where is Hodder and Stoughton registered in the UK?

Hodder & Stoughton Limited . Registered address: Carmelite House. 50 Victoria Embankment. London EC4Y 0DZ . Registration number: 651692 . VAT number: 205505305 . Telephone Number: +44 (0)20 3122 6777 . Email: [email protected] . For publicity and media enquiries please email: [email protected]

What did Hodder and Stoughton do during the war?

As the company expanded at home and overseas, Hodder & Stoughton’s list swelled to include the real-life adventures in Peary’s North Pole and several works by Winston Churchill . During the war, Ralph Hodder Williams set up the Brockhampton Book Co. to sell off overstocks of theological works.

When did Hodder and Stoughton start publishing books?

In 1986, Hodder & Stoughton introduced Sceptre as a literary imprint to sit alongside mass-market imprints Coronet and NEL. Originally publishing in paperback only, early books on the Sceptre list included Thomas Keneally ’s Schindler’s Ark which had won the Booker Prize in 1982.

What did Hodder and Stoughton do with the Lancet?

In this decade they also took over ownership of the medical journal, The Lancet . Hodder & Stoughton were also the originators of the Teach Yourself line of self-instruction books, which are still published through Hodder Headline’s educational division.

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