Is statin good for brain?

Is statin good for brain?

The most evident protective effect statins have on cognition is the prevention of stroke and possible subsequent vascular dementia. The effects of statins may not only be affecting stroke risk, but may also be preventing microvascular infarcts that lead to dementia without an acute stroke.

Are statins bad for your brain?

“We reviewed all the studies that had been done, and found that the most rigorous studies show that statins do not commonly cause memory loss. If anything, long-term use of statins might have a beneficial effect on the brain since they help prevent strokes and protect the health of arteries in the brain.”

What are the neurological side effects of taking statins?

The most common adverse effects include muscle symptoms, fatigue and cognitive problems. A smaller proportion of patients report peripheral neuropathy—burning, numbness or tingling in their extremities—poor sleep, and greater irritability and aggression.

Can statins give you dementia?

The researchers found that of 300 older adults with mildly impaired thinking and memory, those using “lipophilic” statins were more likely to develop dementia over the next eight years. Lipophilic statins include such widely used medications as simvastatin (Zocor), atorvastatin (Lipitor) and lovastatin (Altoprev).

Are statins worth the risk?

Research has shown that statins are highly effective in reducing the risk of fatal heart attack and stroke. But some people are reluctant to take these life-saving drugs. They worry about taking medicine every day for the rest of their life or have heard that statins have undesirable side effects.

Is statin damage reversible?

The damage is typically reversible once the person stops taking the statin. More rarely still, a severe type of muscle damage called rhabdomyolysis may occur, in an estimated 2–3 in 100,000 people taking this type of drug per year.

Are Statins good or bad for the brain?

If anything, long-term use of statins might have a beneficial effect on the brain since they help prevent strokes and protect the health of arteries in the brain.” Truth: Some studies have indicated that there may be a relationship between statin drugs and an increased risk for developing cataracts.

How do statins affect brain function?

Therefore, scientists believe that cholesterol lowering drugs like statins may damage your brain by creating a cholesterol deficiency. Insufficient cholesterol not only inhibit production of neurotransmitters but also other important bio-chemicals like coenzyme Q10 and dolichols, which can impair your cognitive function, emotion and mood.

How do statins degenerate Your Brain Health?

The degenerative effect that statins have on the brain can likely be put down to the fact that they interact negatively with the energy center of your cells, known as the mitochondria. This causes signals to misfire, meaning that important messages to and from the brain don’t get translated as they should.

What are the side effects of a statin?

The most common side effects of statins are muscle weakness, muscle pain and muscle inflammation. It’s usually felt as a soreness, tiredness or weakness in your muscles.

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