Do they follow me back Tumblr?

Do they follow me back Tumblr?

Hover over the thumbnails for each of the blogs you follow to view the follow-back status. In Tumblr Stalkr, click the “Not Following Me Back” option in the top toolbar to view the status of those you follow.

How do you know who follows you back on Tumblr?

From your Tumblr dashboard, click “Followers” to see a list of who’s following you. In the app, click the silhouette icon to see the number of followers you have and access a list of who is following you.

What is the most popular Tumblr blog?

Top 25 Blogs

Rank Top Blogs Score
1 178792
2 109132
3 38984
4 27908

What is the follow limit on Tumblr?

Tumblr enforces two limits on how many blogs you can follow: You can follow no more than 200 additional blogs per day on Tumblr. Overall, you can follow no more than a total of 5,000 blogs on Tumblr. Once you follow 5,000 blogs, you would have to unfollow some blogs to start following additional blogs.

How do you get XKit on Tumblr?

We’ve pushed a quick update to Anti-Capitalism to block the large video takeover ad Tumblr is running right now. You can go to XKit > Extensions > Anti-Capitalism, click “Update” and then refresh the page (F5) to get the newest version. As always, let us know if you have any questions!

Who blocked me on Tumblr?

Tumblr doesn’t alert you if someone blocks you. They will no longer see your original posts on their dashboard but will still see your posts if the people they follow reblog you. You can follow but they won’t show up, that part is correct.

How do you gain Tumblr followers?

Tumblr tips to get more followers instantly.

  1. Follow as many people as you can.
  2. Start commenting on others Tumblr posts.
  3. Frequently update with interesting pictures.
  4. Timing is the key, Best Time to Post on Tumblr.
  5. Go social, make new friends and let them share your Tumblr posts.
  6. Tumblr blog appearance is almost everything.

How do I get rid of a follower on Tumblr?

On Tumblr, you can’t remove followers; your followers must stop following you on their own. However, you can ignore people to prevent them from viewing your posts on their Dashboard and contacting you. You can also report the users for spam or harassment when you block them.

Is Tumblr dead?

Tumblr was once a place for young creators. But Tumblr is practically dead, and TikTok is very much alive. While a Tumblr spokesperson says that 48 percent of its current user base is Gen Z, it’s undeniable that the site’s total user numbers have dropped off in the past few years.

What’s considered Tumblr famous?

Tumblr is a unique social media platform that combines blogging, photos, videos, and more tools to express yourself. Popular users who amass tens of thousands of followers, with others reblogging their content regularly, are considered Tumblr famous.

What is the point of a secondary blog on Tumblr?

In addition to the primary blog, you can create secondary blogs on your account. Tumblr allows you to create up to ten secondary blogs per day. Secondary blogs lack some of the social features used by primary blogs: they are unable to like posts, follow other blogs, or send asks or submissions.

Can I unfollow everyone on Tumblr at once?

Most users won’t hit Tumblr’s rather generous follow limit, but if you decide you need to clear out the list of blogs you are following or make room for new blogs, you can unfollow anyone at any time.

Can you follow a secondary blog on Tumblr?

People can follow the secondary blog if they go to the URL and click follow, but whenever you click on follow from your account, it will show it as coming from the primary blog. This is a limitation within Tumblr. Thanks for the reply.

What is Tumblr and what does it do for You?

Tumblr is blogs. Turns out that when you make it easy to create interesting things, that’s exactly what people do. All those great, random blogs your friends send you, those are Tumblr blogs. We’ll help you find and follow blogs like that, and we’ll help other people find and follow yours.

What’s the difference between a Tumblr blog and a blog?

Tumblr is blogs. Turns out that when you make it easy to create interesting things, that’s exactly what people do. All those great, random blogs your friends send you, those are Tumblr blogs.

Can you create a new blog on Tumblr?

With tumblr, the best thing you can do is create an entirely new account. You can import blog posts but sadly cannot transfer likes, reblogs or followers when you do that. WordPress handles multi-sites much better. Thanks for the script!

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