What is the history of sand mining on North Stradbroke?

What is the history of sand mining on North Stradbroke?

Mining for mineral sands, the primary source of titanium and zircon, occurred along the ocean beach of North Stradbroke Island for 29 years from 1949 to 1977. Small dredges and floating concentrators commenced during the 1950’s and 1960’s, and in 1969, a larger dredge was floated from South Stradbroke Island.

Why did sand mining stop on North Stradbroke Island?

But after nearly seven decades on the island, sand mining activities have stopped in recent years due to expired mining leases. In 2011, the Australian government passed the North Stradbroke Island Protection and Sustainability Act, which placed deadlines to phase out activity at the island’s three mines.

How did Stradbroke island split in two?

The two islands were separated after a barque; the “Cambus Wallace” was shipwrecked in a narrow passage off the island that was carrying explosives that had to be detonated in the passage.

Why is it called Deadman’s beach?

Deadman’s Beach is one of the many stunning beaches along the eastern edge of Minjerribah / North Stradbroke Island near Brisbane on Quandamooka Country. Deadman’s Beach’s ominous name stems from the 1956 discovery of a skeleton and a boot that were believed to be the remains of the Prosperity’s mate or cook.

What is the largest sand island in the world?

Fraser Island
K’gari (Fraser Island) lies just off the east coast of Australia. At 122 km long, it is the largest sand island in the world.

How does sand mining affect animals?

Excessive sand mining can alter the river bed, force the river to change course, erode banks and lead to flooding. It also destroys the habitat of aquatic animals and micro-organisms besides affecting groundwater recharge.

Is Stradbroke Island a sand island?

Straddie is a sub-tropical island, is located 30 km southeast of Brisbane, Queensland and it is the world’s second largest sand island: about 38 km long and 11 km wide!

Who are the traditional owners of North Stradbroke Island?

Archaeological evidence dates occupation of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) back to at least 21,000 years ago. Many tribes mingled on Minjerribah and local people identify the Noonuccal and Goenpul as the traditional owners of the Island and surrounding waters.

How was North Stradbroke Island formed?

It was formed by drowning, and appear ed when interglacial seas flooded over lands that included high areas of blown sand. The long coast which forms the seaboard in New South Wales bears consistently north-northeast from Port Macquarie and Trial Bay to Cape Byron, near the Queensland border.

How old is North Stradbroke Island?

Island History. The Quandamooka people have lived on or around Southern Moreton Bay for tens of thousands of years. Archaeological evidence dates occupation of Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) back to at least 21,000 years ago.

Is North Stradbroke a sand island?

Traditionally known as Minjerribah, North Stradbroke Island is the second largest sand island in the world. It offers a wide range of experiences including some of the best land-based whale-watching in Australia.

Where did Fraser Island sand come from?

While most of the sand that makes up Fraser Island has come from the far south-east of Australia, some of it has travelled for thousands of kilometres and millions of years from Antarctica, starting its journey before Australia and Antarctica split from each other.

Where did sand mining end on North Stradbroke Island?

Today we celebrate the end of sand mining on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island) – and the return of nearly one-quarter of the island to the Quandamooka people.

What are the main industries on North Stradbroke Island?

Tourism is a major and growing industry on the island. The island has been the site for sand mining for more than sixty years. Tourism and currently mining are the island’s main industries. North Stradbroke Island is the second largest sand island in the world.

What kind of mining does Straddie Island have?

The main mining method is dredge mining, with some dry mining. These two mines employ about 100 people, only half of whom live on the island. The third mine, Vance, a silica sand mine (Devastation West) employs only 13 people. All three mines are continually on the move.

Where was the last sandmining operation in Australia?

Stradbroke Island is the last major sandmining operation on the east coast of Australia. Almost 60 years after mining began on the Island its future is still contested. It seems likely that mining will end and a significant portion of the Island gazetted as a national park protected for future generations.

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