Is Isothiazolinone harmful?

Is Isothiazolinone harmful?

Isothiazolinones are used in cosmetic and as chemical additives for occupational and industrial usage due to their bacteriostatic and fungiostatic activity. Despite their effectiveness as biocides, isothiazolinones are strong sensitizers, producing skin irritations and allergies and may pose ecotoxicological hazards.

Can you be allergic to Benzisothiazolinone?

Your patch test result indicates that you have a contact allergy to benzisothiazolinone. This contact allergy may cause your skin to react when it is exposed to this substance although it may take several days for the symptoms to appear. Typical symptoms include redness, swelling, itching, and fluid-filled blisters.

Can you be allergic to thimerosal?

Most people don’t have any side effects from thimerosal, but some people will have mild side effects like redness and swelling at the place where the shot was given, which will only last 1 to 2 days. It’s very unlikely you will have an allergic reaction to thimerosal.

Is methylparaben toxic?

Acute toxicity studies have shown that methylparaben is practically non-toxic by both oral and parenteral administration in animals. In a population with normal skin, methylparaben is practically non-irritating and non-sensitizing; however, allergic reactions to ingested parabens have been reported.

What products contain Benzisothiazolinone?


  • emulsion paints, caulks, varnishes, adhesives, inks, and photographic processing solutions.
  • home cleaning and car care products; laundry detergents, stain removers and fabric softeners;

Is Benzisothiazolinone carcinogenic?

Benzisothiazolinone is negative in a chromosome aberration and did not damage the DNA in a comet analysis. 1,2-Ethanediamine (CAS No. 107-15-3) is not considered to be carcinogenic (NICNAS). Therefore, 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)- one compound with 1,2-ethanediamine (CAS No.

Can you develop an allergy to Methylisothiazolinone?

Methylchloroisothiazolinone is a preservative in many skin care products that stops fungi, yeast, and bacteria from growing. Many people are allergic to it or can become so. It must be used in low concentrations.

How common is thimerosal allergy?

The NACDG reported thimerosal as the fifth most common allergen, inducing allergic reactions in 11% of patch-tested patients,107 with only 17% of the positive patch tests considered clinically relevant, ranking thimerosal last in relevance among the 50 allergens tested.

Can you be allergic to mercury?

Naturally, it is possible that an individual can be allergic to all four types of mercury. In many cases it is important to locate the source of exposure to mercury that causes inflammation in the body, so that exposure can be stopped. Inorganic mercury, or ‘metallic mercury’, is a frequent source of metal allergy.

Is there an allergy to methylisothiazolinone ( mi )?

Methylisothiazolinone (MI) is a preservative commonly used in water-based personal care products. Increases in the allowable concentration of MI alone in these products has led to an epidemic of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD).

What is the chemical in CL + me isothiazolinone?

Cl+Me–Isothiazolinone contains methylchloroisothiazolinone (MCI) and methyliso- thiazolinone (MI). These substances are used as preservatives and biocides in many personal care, household and industrial products.

Can you take Benzisothiazolinone if allergic to mi?

Methylisothiazolinone also has been identified in household products, industrial chemicals, paint, adhesives, and other unique sources. Benzisothiazolinone and octylisothiazolinone are structurally similar to MI, and a subset of MI-allergic patients may need to avoid them.

Are there any products that contain Benzisothiazolinone?

Other isothiazolinones such as benzisothiazoline (BIT) and octylisothiazolinone (OIT) are uncommon in personal care products but have been found in leather products, glue, industrial chemicals, paints, and cleaning products. There may be cross-reactivity between OIT and MI, and a minority of patients who are allergic to MI are cosensitized to BIT.

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