What is Precooling in agriculture?

What is Precooling in agriculture?

In vegetable farming: Precooling. Precooling, the rapid removal of heat from freshly harvested vegetables, allows the grower to harvest produce at optimum maturity with greater assurance that it will reach the consumer at maximum quality.

Is agricultural produce an asset?

Biological assets include plants and animals. The common examples of biological assets include animals such as goats, sheep, cows, buffaloes, calves, and fish. Such changes are known as biological transformation. The harvested product of changes in the nature of biological assets is known as agricultural produce.

What are the advantages of the pre-cooling?

Pre-cooling benefits include: lowering the required workload of a cold storage since optimum storage temperature is reached more quickly.

What is agriculture in accounting?

IAS 41 Agriculture sets out the accounting for agricultural activity – the transformation of biological assets (living plants and animals) into agricultural produce (harvested product of the entity’s biological assets). The standard generally requires biological assets to be measured at fair value less costs to sell.

What is the Precooling?

Precooling is defined as the removal of field heat from freshly harvested produce in order to slow down metabolism and reduce deterioration prior to transport or storage. It is the first operation in the cold chain and is essential for produce (fruits and vegetables) as they are perishable in nature.

Is the quickest method of precooling the produce?

Hydro-cooling has the advantage over the pre-cooling method where it helps in cleaning the produce, provides fast, uniform cooling for commodities. It is faster than forced air cooling. Hydrocooling can be achieved by immersion or through means of a chilled water shower.

What is an agricultural produce?

For the purpose of these guidelines: agricultural product/product of agricultural origin means any product or commodity, raw or processed, that is marketed for human consumption (excluding water, salt and additives) or animal feed.

Which accounting standard does not apply to produce on bearer plant?

Thus, AS 10 applies to Bearer plants but is not applicable to the produce on bearer plants. Wasting assets that include mineral rights, expenditure on the exploration for an extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas and similar other non-regenerative resources.

Which of the following should be classified as agricultural produce?

Sugar should be classified as agricultural produce. Wool should be classified as agricultural produce. IAS41 para 4 lists sugar as a product that is processed after harvesting and wool as agricultural produce.

What does Precooling mean on Nest?

The program will help offset the drop in energy production during the eclipse by automatically pre-cooling homes ahead of time. Once users notice the message, and agree to participate, the Nest Thermostat will lower the temperature of their home before the eclipse.

What is the temperature for storage of banana?

Optimal temperature and humidity conditions for some common fruits and vegetables

Product Optimal Storage Temperature (oF) Ethylene Production
Bananas, ripe 56 – 60 Medium
Basil 52 – 59 No
Beans, dry 40 – 50

What are the characteristics of agricultural produce?

Characteristics of Agricultural Goods

  • Agricultural goods are quickly perishable.
  • These are bulky in nature.
  • It is difficult to control both quality and quantity of output.
  • Product differentiation is not possible.
  • Nature plays a crucial role in production.
  • Agricultural goods have inelastic demand.

What does pre cooling of agricultural products mean?

Have a look at the platform and if you encounter any bugs or page distortions, please send them to us at [email protected]. Pre-cooling refers to the rapid removal of field heat shortly after the harvest of a crop.

What is the definition of Agriculture in IAS 41?

IAS 41 Agriculture sets out the accounting for agricultural activity – the transformation of biological assets (living plants and animals) into agricultural produce (harvested product of the entity’s biological assets). The standard generally requires biological assets to be measured at fair value less costs to sell.

How is the value of agricultural produce measured?

Agri­cul­tural produce is measured at fair value less estimated costs to sell at the point of harvest. [IAS 41.13] Because harvested produce is a mar­ketable commodity, there is no ‘mea­sure­ment re­li­a­bil­ity’ exception for produce.

Why is precooling important in the horticultural chain?

According to the FAO, precooling is “amongst the most efficient quality enhancements available” and is regarded “as one of the most value-adding activities in the horticultural chain”. lowering the required workload of a cold storage since optimum storage temperature is reached more quickly

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