What is the name of this basic origami base?

What is the name of this basic origami base?

Kite Base. This is the most simple base in origami and it kind of looks like a kite which is where the name comes from.

What is square base?

1 a plane geometric figure having four equal sides and four right angles.

How do you make a perfect paper square?


  1. 1Prepare the paper. Prepare a sheet of any rectangular paper (e.g. A4, Letter size or 9″ x 12″).
  2. 2Fold down one top corner. Fold down one top corner to meet the opposite edge, forming a triangle.
  3. 3Cut below the triangle. Cut the excess paper below the triangle.
  4. 4Unfold the paper.

How do you make a rectangular paper square?


  1. Fold one corner of the paper to meet the opposite edge. This brings the short side of the paper over to one of the long sides.
  2. Cut off the extra paper. Cut along the edge of the triangle to separate it from the extra paper.
  3. Unfold the triangle. You now have a perfect square with a diagonal crease in it.

What is the formula of square?

Perimeter, Area, and Volume

Table 2. Area Formulas
Shape Formula Variables
Square A=s2 s is the length of the side of the square.
Rectangle A=LW L and W are the lengths of the rectangle’s sides (length and width).
Triangle A=12bh b and h are the base and height

How do you fold an origami box?

Steps Fold an origami box from a coloured square of paper. Rotate the other square of coloured paper in front of you, so that it appears as a diamond. Crease the paper horizontally and vertically, as shown. Turn the paper over and rotate it 45 degrees, so that it appears as a square. Fold it horizontally and vertically.

How do you make origami paper?

1. Start with a square piece of paper, coloured side up. Fold the top corner of the paper down to the bottom corner. Crease and open again. Then fold the paper in half sideways. 2. Turn the paper over to the white side. Fold the paper in half, crease well and open, and then fold again in the other direction.

How is origami used?

In modern usage, the word “origami” is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.

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