Can you crouch jump in Portal 2?

Can you crouch jump in Portal 2?

Crouch Flying Glitch Using a vertical excursion funnel, push yourself up against the ceiling. When done, crouch and push again.

How do excursion funnels fly?

Start by walking or falling into a funnel. Wait until you reach the top of the funnel, and watch your velocity from the cl_showpos command. When that zeros out, change your crouch state (if you were crouched, uncrouch and vice versa).

How do you do the Portal 2 button glitch?

Take the cube, and, holding it, put it on the button you want to push. Then, after quickly removing the cube from the button, save the game and boot it back up again. The button remains in the activated state until the button trigger is activated again.

Can you fly Portal 2?

Excursion Funnel Flying, or ExFu for short, is a glitch in Portal 2. This occurs due to the game engine assigning a flying tag to the player while being in an Excursion Funnel, and the player manipulating the game engine to keep the flying tag while outside of the Funnel, effectively flying.

How do you crouch in Portal 2?

This is a list of the default controls for the PC version of Portal 1 & 2….Movement.

Action Key/Button
Duck (Crouch) CTRL

How do you do the button glitch portal?

What is Portal glitch?

The Clipping Glitch is a glitch for Portal, that allows for OoB movement. It is unknown who found this glitch, first appearance was in a youtube video by TheRedKorsar. It works in every place where a vertical wall is portable all the way to the ceiling and a portable floor is available.

Why is my tag flying in Portal 2?

Excursion Funnel Flying, or ExFu for short, is a glitch in Portal 2. This occurs due to the game engine assigning a flying tag to the player while being in an Excursion Funnel, and the player manipulating the game engine to keep the flying tag while outside of the Funnel, effectively flying. Start by walking or falling into a funnel.

Are there any glitches in Portal 2 steam?

There is only 2 glitches, you forgot alot of others.Here’s one: FLYING CUBE Direct a laser redirection cube into a laser, then remove the bottom cube. It will FLOAT. There are a few steps you have to do in sequence to make it work properly, and it can be difficult to explain.

How do you get vertical flying in Portal 2?

Walk into the funnel and wait until you stop moving at the top. Start crouching, and walk out in the direction you want to fly. If you keep crouching, you will keep flying. Note: vertical flying works exactly the same, these instructions are only separate because the ceiling will keep you crouched and prevent you from standing.

What to do when Vel is 0 in Portal 2?

When vel is 0 you have stopped moving. Do not jump into the funnel, as you will not be able to crouch. Walk into the funnel (either crouched or not crouched, crouched recommended) and wait until you stop moving at the end (will take a few seconds after you visibly stop). If you are crouching, stop; if you are standing, crouch.

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