What does Splendorman do to his victims?

What does Splendorman do to his victims?

History. The Splendor Man first appeared in a Marble Hornets parody from the YouTube channel “Neil Cicierega”, where he was spotted by two very nice girls named Becky and Tiffany. He then proceeded to give them flowers and dance for them to make them happy. Towards the end of the video, he threw glitter at them.

What does Splendorman look like?

Appearance. Unlike Slenderman, Splendorman has a visible face that consists of black dots for eyes and a black mouth, but he lacks teeth (in most portrayals) and a nose.

Is slenderman Zalgo’s son?

Slenderman. Coming from a generation of several monsters similar to him, the Slender Man is the son of the Lord of the Pit, Zalgo. He is believed to be a child murder and a ferocious monster.

What happens if you look at Slenderman?

The Slender Man is often associated with the forest and/or abandoned locations and has the ability to teleport. Proximity to the Slender Man is often said to trigger a “Slender sickness”; a rapid onset of paranoia, nightmares and delusions accompanied by nosebleeds.

Is Slenderman older than Offenderman?

Facts. Sexual Offenderman was created by Arcanineryu. In some stories, Splendorman is the older brother, Slenderman the middle child, and Trenderman his cousin, making Sexual Offenderman the youngest of his two brothers.

Is Happypasta real?

Splendorman (aka Splendy) is a “Happypasta”, which is a parody of the Creepypasta genere. He originated as a parody of Slenderman, but now fans like to portray him as Slenderman’s nicer brother. He has since gained a massive amount of popularity in the Slender Man fan-base.

Is Jeff The hugger real?

Jeff is a true child prodigy and genius. His IQ is 146 and shows talent in digital art as well as music and sports. In battle, he has shown the ability to read an opponent’s movements temporarily and formulate hypotheses and create strategies based on the hypothesis.

Is Zalgo a God?

Zalgo wasn’t always a deity of pure chaos, at one point he was a god of pure order being fought by his brother Am Dhaegar, who was a being of pure chaos. They fought and they fought each blow causing cataclysmic results.

Is Splendorman a Happypasta?

Who is splendorman in the creepypasta files?

Splendorman (aka Splendy) is a “Happypasta”, which is a parody of the Creepypasta genre. He originated as a parody of Slenderman, but now fans like to portray him as Slenderman’s nicer brother. He has since gained a massive amount of popularity in the Slender Man fan-base.

Who is the original voice of splendorman headcanon?

Splendorman (Original Voice) Splendorman headcanon voice by Sinister Fright.

What kind of Hat does splendorman wear?

Unlike Slenderman, Splendorman has a visible face that consists of black dots for eyes and a black mouth, but he lacks teeth (in most portrayals) and a nose. He also wears a black suit with colorful polka-dots, a bow tie (usually red, sometimes rainbow), and a top hat (of varying sizes) or less commonly a trilby hat, both seen with a red stripe.

How are Slenderman, splendorman, trenderman and sexual offenderman related?

The idea of Slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, and Sexual-Offenderman being related is purely fan-made as in reality, the characters have nothing to do with each other though obviously there is nothing wrong with this portrayal.

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