What is a PDP for teachers?

What is a PDP for teachers?

The focus of the planning phase is to create an individual Performance and Development Plan (PDP) and a whole school/workplace professional learning plan to guide the work of each principal, executive or teacher for the year ahead.

What are some PDP goals?

Here are 8 smaller Professional Development Goals to work towards this year:

  • Learn a new skill.
  • Start networking.
  • Read more.
  • Improve your work life balance.
  • Challenge yourself.
  • Work on your weaknesses.
  • Get organised.
  • Communicate better.

How do you write a PDP sample?

There are seven steps to writing a PDP:

  1. Set yourself goals.
  2. Prioritise those goals.
  3. Set yourself deadlines for when you want to achieve them.
  4. Recognise threats and opportunities.
  5. Develop your skills or increase your knowledge.
  6. Use your support network.
  7. Measure your progress.

How do I write a PDP?

What should a PDP include?

There are seven steps to writing a PDP:

  • Set yourself goals.
  • Prioritise those goals.
  • Set yourself deadlines for when you want to achieve them.
  • Recognise threats and opportunities.
  • Develop your skills or increase your knowledge.
  • Use your support network.
  • Measure your progress.

How do I write a good PDP?

To help you, here are our top tips on creating, and maintaining, an effective PDP.

  1. Think about the work you’ve already done.
  2. Write a list of your strengths and weaknesses.
  3. Start setting your goals.
  4. Form a SMART action plan.
  5. Set aside time to evaluate and update your PDP.

What are some professional development ideas for teachers?

There are plenty of professional development opportunities for teachers. Such activities may include individual development, continuing education, and inservice education, as well as curriculum writing, peer collaboration, study groups, and peer coaching or mentoring.

What are some professional goals for a teacher?

Career goals for teachers in their profession may include organization goals, enhancing teaching skills, improving student participation in class, adopting effective teaching strategies, better teacher parent communication etc.

What is professional development for teachers?

Professional development is some form of education for teachers that can enhance or better their teaching or classroom environment. Some professional development workshops are an hour or two, while others may be a week long.

What are the Professional Teaching Standards?

The National Board of Professional Teaching Standards is designed to collect standards-based evidence of accomplished teaching across four components: Content Knowledge. Differentiation in Instruction. Teaching Practice and Classroom Environment. Effective and Reflective Practitioner.

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