How do you get Margwa weapon?

How do you get Margwa weapon?

Nar-Ullaqua For this weapon, you need Margwa Heart, Margwa Tentacle, and Xenomatter. In order to acquire the Margwa Heart, you need to kill the Margwa which will first appear on round-8. The Margwa Tentacle, on the other hand, is acquired as random loot from green plant salvaged using the Fumigator.

How do I get Xenomatter?

One item is the Xenomatter. This can be obtained after killing a Parasite (flying creature) or a one of the rolling creatures that looks like the R.A.P.S. scorestreak.

How do you upgrade the wonder gun?

Players can upgrade this weapon into its three other variations and the only way to do this is by picking up special Mod Kits that will drop randomly from Zombies. These Mod Kits will attach to your weapon and transform it into a completely new form.

Is CRBR-s in outbreak Cold War?

Shockwave, and CRBR-S are all available to obtain in Black Ops Cold War’s Zombies Outbreak mode through various means. They all feature in all of Cold War’s key Zombies maps – Die Maschine, Firebase Z, and Mauer der Toten.

Where to find Apothicon servant Shadows of evil zombies?

The Apothicon Servant is a special weapon in the Shadows of Evil Zombies map. It creates a black hole that sucks in all nearby zombies, killing them instantly. You will need to find and take three parts to a workbench. There’s a workbench at each of the three districts in this map.

How to kill zombies in shadows of evil?

In Shadows of Evil, use the rocket shield attack to kill at least 10 zombies in one burst. The Apothicon Servant is a special weapon in the Shadows of Evil Zombies map. It creates a black hole that sucks in all nearby zombies, killing them instantly. You will need to find and take three parts to a workbench.

How to get pack a punch in shadows of evil?

The Pack-A-Punch Machine requires a number of steps before it can be accessed in Shadows of Evil. To do this, you must collect five items around the map and use them in five rituals. The items can be found in any order, and the rituals can be done in any order, but the items must be used for rituals at specific spots.

How do you kill margwas in shadows of evil?

In Shadows of Evil, kill 5 Parasites while riding on the monorail. Margwas are large three-headed creatures. They may appear after a set round, after completing a ritual, or after finding a ritual item. The only way to defeat these beasts is to shoot the yellow glowing spots within their mouths.

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