What nice word starts with H?

What nice word starts with H?

Words Beginning With H That Have 6 or More Letters

Word Definition
honorable (adj.) having high morals or being respected
hooray (int.) shout or exclamation of approval or elation
hopeful (adj.) feeling positive or optimistic about an outcome
hospitable (adj.) welcoming or friendly

What is the synonym of the word h?

truthful, sincere, frank. hospitable. welcoming, cordial, gracious. hostile. antagonistic, aggressive, militant.

What is a good H word to describe someone?

Adjectives Starting with H to Describe a Person

  • handsome.
  • happy.
  • hardhearted.
  • harmonious.
  • harsh.
  • hateful.

What are describing words that start with H?

Adjectives That Start With H

  • Hairless.
  • Headstrong.
  • Hilarious.
  • Hortative.
  • Hungry.
  • Humane.
  • Humorless.

What is an antonym for etched?

▲ Opposite of past tense for to make an impression into, especially a surface. built. confused. neglected.

What are H adjectives?

What is a verb that starts with H?

50 Verbs Starting With H

Verb Definition Synonym
hear to perceive a sound with your ears catch, detect, perceive
heat to add warmth to something warm, cook, sear
heave to lift something heavy heft, hoist, launch
heed to pay close attention to someone or something notice, hark, hear

What is a noun that starts with H?

50 Nouns Starting With H

Noun Definition
heaven the place where god lives; a wonderful feeling
heel the part of the foot on the opposite end of the toes, under the ankle
height the distance from the bottom to the top of something
hell a place of great suffering where sinners go

What is a five letter word that starts with H?

5-letter words starting with H

haafs Haans
hacek hacks
hacky hadal
haded hades
Hadis hadje


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