What is an Aurignacian artifact?

What is an Aurignacian artifact?

: of or relating to an Upper Paleolithic culture marked by finely made artifacts of stone and bone, paintings, and engravings.

What does Aurignacian refer to?

The Aurignacian (/ɔːrɪɡˈneɪʃən/) is an archaeological tradition of the Upper Paleolithic associated with European early modern humans (EEMH) lasting from 43,000 to 26,000 years ago. They then migrated to Europe and created the first European culture of modern humans, the Aurignacian.

Who introduced the term Aurignacian?

Abbé Breuil
1The generalized working of osseous materials (cervid antler, ivory and bone) in Europe is one of the major innovations at the start of the Upper Paleolithic, and following the definition of the Aurignacian by Abbé Breuil at the beginning of the 20th century, was soon associated with this concept.

What language is Solutrean?

The term Solutrean comes from the type-site of “Cros du Charnier”, dating to around 21,000 years ago and located at Solutré, in east-central France near Mâcon. The Rock of Solutré site was discovered in 1866 by the French geologist and paleontologist Henry Testot-Ferry.

Did Neanderthals use Aurignacian tools?

Near the end of their existence Neanderthals developed more sophisticated tools with shafted points and handles (Châtelperronian technology) and Aurignacian blade tools generally associated with early modern humans. Many of the sites where Aurignacian tools are found also contain art: sculptures or cave paintings.

What does Aurignacian refer to quizlet?

The Aurignacian is: a stone tool tradition based on blade tool production. a stone tool tradition based on Levallois flake tools.

What distinguishes the Aurignacian industry from the earlier industries?

The Aurignacian differs from other Upper Paleolithic industries mainly in a preponderance of stone flake tools rather than blades. Flakes were retouched to make nosed scrapers, carinate (ridged) scrapers, and end scrapers. Blades and burins were made by the punch technique and came in several sizes.

Did Clovis people come from Europe?

In “Across Atlantic Ice,” the authors trace the origins of Clovis culture from the Solutrean people, who occupied northern Spain and France more than 20,000 years ago. They believe that these people went on to populate America’s east coast, eventually spreading at least as far as Venezuela in South America.

Who were the Solutrean people?

The ‘Solutreans’ were an ancient people who lived in what is today Spain, Portugal and southern France during the last Ice Age over twenty thousand years ago. According to the cave art they left behind, they hunted seals and seabirds to survive.

Which is the best definition of the word Aurignacian?

adjective of, belonging to, or typical of an Upper Paleolithic industry with characteristic stone and bone artifacts that is distributed from western France to eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Where did the art of the Aurignacians come from?

Cave art was produced almost exclusively in western Europe, where, by the end of the Aurignacian Period, hundreds of paintings, engravings, and reliefs had been executed on the walls, the ceilings, and sometimes the floors of limestone caves.

When did the Aurignacian period start and end?

An Early Aurignacian or Proto-Aurignacian stage is dated between about 43,000 and 37,000 years ago. The Aurignacian proper lasts from about 37,000 to 33,000 years ago. A Late Aurignacian phase transitional with the Gravettian dates to about 33,000 to 26,000 years ago.

Who are the toolmakers of the Aurignacian period?

Instead, he argues, the Aurignacian toolmakers are who first took root in Europe. But the cave continued to be occupied until at the close of the Aurignacian period a fall of rock sealed up the entrance. This is described by some authorities as Mousterian, by others as Aurignacian; in either case as of an early Palaeolithic aspect.

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