How effective is the Bakri balloon?

How effective is the Bakri balloon?

Introduction: The Bakri balloon has been advocated for management of obstetric hemorrhage, based on several small studies (2-16 patients) where it was over 90% effective.

Are balloon Tamponades successful?

With an overall success rate of 86%, the authors concluded that the Bakri Balloon Tamponade (BBT) is “a simple, readily available, effective and safe procedure” in the management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH).

How does uterine balloon tamponade work?

The UBT works by inserting the balloon into the uterus and inflating it (usually with sterile water)—the subsequent increase in intra-uterine pressure is expected to reduce blood flow and promote clotting in the uterine wall [11].

Can postpartum hemorrhage cause infertility?

First pregnancies complicated by postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) have no detrimental effect on future fertility, but women who have caesarean sections at the time of PPH are less likely to conceive again, finds a new study.

Is the Bakri balloon safe for PPH patients?

A Bakri balloon is recommended by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and World Health Organization (WHO) as a treatment line for PPH unresponsive to uterotonics. We carried out a systematic review to assess the safety and effectiveness of Bakri balloon in the management of PPH.

Can a Bakri Balloon be used for vaginal birth?

Most of the studies on Bakri balloon are followed by vaginal birth (3/4). Bakri balloon displacement from the uterine cavity was reported by five publications, with the overall rate being 9% (95% CI: 5-15%). Hysterectomy was necessary for 1% (95% CI: 0-8%) of the women who required the balloon.

Can a Bakri Balloon help with postpartum hemorrhage?

Background:Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a direct cause of maternal death all over the world. A Bakri balloon is recommended by American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and World Health Organization (WHO) as a treatment line for PPH unresponsive to uterotonics.

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