What do you call an exam supervisor?

What do you call an exam supervisor?

An exam invigilator, exam proctor or exam supervisor is someone who is appointed by the examination board and services for maintaining the proper conduct of a particular examination in accordance with the exam regulations.

What is the synonym of supervisor?

Supervisor Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for supervisor?

manager director
superintendent head
administrator overseer
controller governor
executive foreman

What is difference between supervisor and invigilator?

As nouns the difference between invigilator and supervisor is that invigilator is (chiefly|uk|or|archaic) a person who supervises students during an examination; a proctor while supervisor is (management) a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group.

What is the meaning of invigilation?

: to keep watch especially, British : to supervise students at an examination. transitive verb. : supervise, monitor. Other Words from invigilate Watch Out for the Origin of Invigilate Example Sentences Learn More About invigilate.

What is another word for invigilator?

What is another word for invigilator?

proctor monitor
supervise overseer
observer supervisor
watchdog guide
director auditor

What do you call a test taker?

In BE, the usual word for a “test/exam-taker” is a candidate.

What is supervisor antonym?

Opposite of a person who manages an organization, project or people. employee. underling. worker. follower.

What do exam supervisors do?

The principal role of an Examination Supervisor is to support students during what is a stressful and intense experience: their exam. Supervisors are also responsible for administrative matters related to an exam, and ensuring the academic integrity of the exam.

What is invigilator exam?

The invigilator is the person in the examination room responsible for conducting a particular examination session in the presence of the candidates. Invigilators have a key role in upholding the integrity of the external examination/assessment process.

What do you mean by proctors?

: someone who supervises or monitors students: a US : someone who oversees student examinations The primary job of the proctor is to monitor students to ensure they’re following testing room rules and not sharing answers.—

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