How do I set environment variables in vagrant?

How do I set environment variables in vagrant?

To set the PATH variable:

  1. Open a terminal in the VM.
  2. Locate the . bashrc file in the /home/vagrant directory.
  3. Add the path from /root to the /junos-jet-sb/bin directory to the PATH variable in . bashrc .
  4. Issue the env command to ensure the PATH variable contains the directory path you just added. vagrant@jet-vm:~$ env.

What is a Provisioner in vagrant?

Provisioners in Vagrant allow you to automatically install software, alter configurations, and more on the machine as part of the vagrant up process. Vagrant gives you multiple options for provisioning the machine, from simple shell scripts to more complex, industry-standard configuration management systems.

What is vagrant shell?

The Vagrant Shell provisioner allows you to upload and execute a script within the guest machine. For POSIX-like machines, the shell provisioner executes scripts with SSH. For Windows guest machines that are configured to use WinRM, the shell provisioner executes PowerShell and Batch scripts over WinRM.

What is local provisioning in shell script?

Type: shell-local. shell-local will run a shell script of your choosing on the machine where Packer is being run – in other words, shell-local will run the shell script on your build server, or your desktop, etc., rather than the remote/guest machine being provisioned by Packer.

What is Vagrant environment?

Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. With an easy-to-use workflow and focus on automation, Vagrant lowers development environment setup time, increases production parity, and makes the “works on my machine” excuse a relic of the past.

What is a Provisioner?

Definitions of provisioner. a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army. synonyms: sutler, victualer, victualler. type of: provider, supplier. someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity.

Is Vagrant like Docker?

Where Docker relies on the host operating system, Vagrant includes the operating system within itself as part of the package. One big difference between Docker and Vagrant is that Docker containers run on Linux, but Vagrant files can contain any operating system. It just needs to run within a Linux virtual machine.

What is vagrant environment?

How do I view vagrant logs?

4 Answers. For Virtual Box provider, the logs are stored at ~/VirtualBox VMs/vagrant_box_name/Logs . There is a VBox. log and a VBoxStartup.

What is vagrant reload plugin?

Vagrant Reload Provisioner This is a Vagrant 1.2+ plugin that adds a reload provisioning step that can be used to do a reload on a VM during provisioning.

What is the difference between Vagrant and terraform?

Vagrant is a tool focused for managing development environments and Terraform is a tool for building infrastructure. Terraform can describe complex sets of infrastructure that exist locally or remotely. Vagrant is designed primarily for local development environments that use only a handful of virtual machines at most.

How to provision a shell script in Vagrant?

When using the winssh communicator, the inline script will be run using the configured shell which defaults to PowerShell. The shell provisioner can also take an option specifying a path to a shell script on the host machine. Vagrant will then upload this script into the guest and execute it.

What is the Boolean keep color in Vagrant?

Vagrant will handle quoting for environment variable values, but the keys remain untouched. keep_color (boolean) – Vagrant automatically colors output in green and red depending on whether the output is from stdout or stderr. If this is true, Vagrant will not do this, allowing the native colors from the script to be outputted.

How does the shell provisioner in WinRM work?

For Windows guest machines that are configured to use WinRM, the shell provisioner executes PowerShell and Batch scripts over WinRM. The shell provisioner takes various options. One of inline or path is required: inline (string) – Specifies a shell command inline to execute on the remote machine.

How to run a remote script in Vagrant?

Additionally, if you are running Vagrant on something like Cygwin or WSL where bash is available, then you should be able to use an extension like “.sh”. To run a script already available on the guest you can use an inline script to invoke the remote script on the guest.

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