Where are all the artifacts in AC Brotherhood?

Where are all the artifacts in AC Brotherhood?

Hidden Artifacts

  • Claudia’s Record Book. Immediately after leaving the downstairs area, turn around and step back into the Villa via the doorway behind you.
  • Maria’s Feather Chest.
  • Mario’s Sword.
  • Medici Cape.
  • Ezio’s Belt.

What happens when you collect all feathers in Assassins Creed Brotherhood?

Collecting all 100 feathers unlocked the achievement “In Memory of Petruccio”.

Did Ezio kill Lucy?

Desmond killing Lucy After Desmond relived Ezio’s memories in Rome, the Assassins discovered that Ezio had hidden his Apple of Eden in a Vault underneath the Colosseum. Desmond was then forced to stab Lucy in the stomach with his Hidden Blade, killing her.

What are the red footprints in AC Brotherhood?

While playing as Desmond, players can find a set of bright red footprints in Eagle Vision while in Monterigionnni (leading from the Villa to the sewers). A popular opinion by gamers was that this was a clue to indicate that either Lucy, Shaun or Rebecca may be a Templar.

How do you get the Raiden outfit in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood?

The outfit can be unlocked by finishing all the training sessions in the Animus Virtual Training Program with at least a Bronze Medal.

Who killed Ezio Auditore?

A decade later, Ezio had retired and resided in a Tuscan villa with his wife, Sofia Sartor, and his two children; Flavia and Marcello. Sometime after helping teach the Chinese Assassin Shao Jun the ways of the Order, Ezio died of a heart attack at the age of 65, during a visit to Florence with his wife and daughter.

What did Desmond do to Lucy?

As soon as Desmond reached the Apple within the vault, Juno, who was aware of Lucy’s true allegiance, took control of Desmond’s body and warned him that “the cross darkens the horizon”. Desmond was then forced to stab Lucy in the stomach with his Hidden Blade, killing her.

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