How do you find a job if you have a felony?

How do you find a job if you have a felony?

Six Tips For Getting A Job With a Felony

  1. Know Company Policies Before Starting the Hiring Process. Not all big corporations are the same.
  2. Understand Louisiana Public Employment Policy.
  3. Apply to Small Businesses.
  4. Be Honest During Your Interview.
  5. Start Your Own Business.
  6. Have Your Felony Record Expunged.

What is the best state for felons to get jobs?

List of The Most Felon Friendly States

  • Montana – No Salary Cap.
  • Nevada – $20,000 per year salary cap.
  • New Hampshire – $20,000 per year salary cap.
  • New Mexico – $20,000 per year salary cap.
  • New York – $25,000 per year salary cap.
  • Texas – $75,000 per year salary cap.
  • Washington – $20,000 per year salary cap.

Why is it so hard to get a job as a felon?

Many employers won’t hire felons, believing they are dishonest and likely to commit a crime on the job. Or employers fear the public finding out they hire felons, damaging the company’s reputation and losing business. Another reason is to protect their company.

Is Amazon felony friendly?

Yes, Amazon does hire felons. Depending on what you are looking for, and the severity of the felony will make the decision. Best bet is to start at the warehouse, and work your way up. Also, some states will prevent a background check for felony convictions past 7 years.

What is the most felon friendly state?

They make the most felon friendly states.

  • California. California is a haven for felons thanks to the 7-year limit on background checks and no salary cap.
  • Kansas.
  • Massachusetts.
  • Nevada.
  • New York.
  • Texas.
  • Washington.
  • New Mexico.

What companies hire felons?

Blue chip companies such as AT, Dell, Fed Ex, Kraft, Sprint, Verizon, United Airlines and Greyhound all have major call center and telemarketing operations and are known to hire felons.

What is the best career for a felon?

Some of the best job opportunities for anyone with felony conviction on the record would include construction, trucking, fast food, customer service, and manufacturing. If none of these potential jobs appeal to you, you need to find out exactly what you would like to do for your career.

What stores hire felons?

On the plus side, though, Walmart is one of the few companies that allow felons to apply directly for management positions, meaning that if you have the qualifications and the experience, you could get your career back on track quicker than expected. Target is another large US chain retailer that also hires felons.

What jobs are felons are prohibited from?

Education Jobs. All government-run schools and educational facilities ban convicted sexual predators from working with children.

  • Government and Licensing. Felons are banned from working in most government positions due to perceived lack of accountability.
  • Health Care. Most states ban felons from working within the health care industry.
  • Private Industry.
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