What is the best prefix for the Sandhawk?

What is the best prefix for the Sandhawk?

Full Dahl parts, Shock element, Flying (+bullet speed and + fire rate) prefix is widely considered to be the best.

What is a Sandhawk?

The Sandhawk was a sounding rocket developed by Sandia National Laboratories in 1966. This single-stage, sub-orbital rocket had a mass of 700 kg (1,540 lb), a takeoff thrust of 80 kN (18,000 lbf), and could reach heights around 200 km or so.

What is a perfect Sandhawk?

Perfect sandhawk is simple: All Dahl parts (You basically want a Dahl stock on any smg, sniper, or even assault rifle anyways). Matching grip is great for mag size. Some people like Jakobs grip, but I don’t/ Preferred prefix is almost always Flying unless you are a Zer0 with vel0city.

How rare is a perfect Sandhawk?

06* the 1 in 4 chance of shock * the 1 in 5 chance of dahl stock * the 1 in 5 chance of dahl grip* the 1 in 6 chance of flying and you get . 0001. That is a 1 in 10,000 chance for a perfect sandhawk….Number and percentage of each element:

Element Number Percentage
Shock 38 7.6

Where does the Sandhawk drop?

The Sand Hawk is Mayhem Mode 6 or higher Legendary. You can get it from Katagawa Jr. who is located in the Atlas HQ on Promethea. M6 gear will also drop from the bosses in the Guardian Takedown.

How do I get to toothless Terry?

The Deckhand can be found in Hayter’s Folly, so make your way there through the Coastal Caverns. Head to Sandman’s Overlook by taking the lift in the central part of the cave and clear out the enemies until the Deckhand shows up. Once he does, kill him and you will then be off to find Toothless Terry.

Can you get multiple sand Hawks?

I was able to get a few different versions of the Sandhawk by simply bringing in a secondary character, turning in the mission, then passing off the gun to the secondary, who then just saves/quits. Force-quit with the main character and repeat until you get all the versions of the Sandhawk you want.

Who drops Sandhawk?

Katagawa Jr.
Sand Hawk is a legendary sniper rifle in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Dahl. It can only be obtained from Katagawa Jr. at Mayhem 6 and above.

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