What percentage of the world owns a phone 2020?

What percentage of the world owns a phone 2020?

Question time: What percentage of the world has a cell phone? 35.13% of the world’s population has a smartphone today.

Which country has the highest number of mobile phone users?

Number of smartphone users by leading countries as of May 2021 (in millions)*

Characteristic Number of users in millions
China 911.92
India 439.42
United States 270
Indonesia 160.23

How many mobile phone users are there in the world?

5.27 billion
There are 5.27 billion unique mobile phone users in the world today, according to the latest data from GSMA Intelligence. The total number of unique mobile users around the world grew by 117 million in the past 12 months. Unique mobile users are currently growing at a rate of 2.3 percent per year.

How many phones sold 2021?

Gartner, the market research firm, predicts 11.4 percent year-on-year growth in the global smartphone market, with 1.5 billion phones sold in 2021.

What percentage of people in the US own a smartphone?

The percentage of U.S. adults who own a smartphone has more than doubled since 2011. Only 35 percent of all U.S. adults owned a smartphone in 2011, compared to 85 percent of adults who owned a smartphone, as of February 2021.

What percentage of Americans own a smartphone 2021?

Almost two-thirds of Americans are predicted to own a smartphone by 2017, more than a threefold increase since 2010….Smartphone penetration rate as share of the population in the United States from 2010 to 2021.

Characteristic Share of population with a smartphone
2021** 72.7%
2020** 72.2%
2019** 71.4%
2018** 69.6%

What percentage of US citizens have smartphones?

Which mobile is most sold in 2021?

Apple iPhone 12 model was the highest selling smartphone in the world during the first quarter of the year 2021 (Q1-2021). It made for 5% of the total smartphone sales globally in Q1, as per Counterpoint’s data.

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