When did Russell Targ join Stanford Research Institute?

When did Russell Targ join Stanford Research Institute?

Targ joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in 1972 where he and Harold E. Puthoff coined the term “remote viewing” for the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using parapsychological means. Later he worked with Puthoff on the US Defence Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project .

Who was the organizer of the 1968 Olympic Games?

The 1968 Games were organized in Chicago by Anne (McGlone) Burke, right, and William L. McFetridge, second from right, of the Chicago Park District. They worked together with the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, which also helped fund this milestone event.

How long did the Stanford Prison Experiment last?

The experiment, which was scheduled to last 1-2 weeks, ultimately had to be terminated on only the 6th day as the experiment escalated out of hand when the prisoners were forced to endure cruel and dehumanizing abuse at the hands of their peers.

What was the purpose of the Special Olympics in 1968?

Today, this inclusive movement of joy and empowerment reaches more than 5 million children and adults with intellectual disabilities in over 170 countries. Organizers of the 1968 “Chicago Special Olympics” Games aimed to do something that had never been done before.

What did Russell Targ say about Ingo Swann?

Targ and Puthoff both expressed the belief that Uri Geller, retired police commissioner Pat Price and artist Ingo Swann all had genuine psychic abilities; however, flaws were found with the controls in the experiments and Geller was caught using sleight of hand on many other occasions.

How did Russell Targ contribute to the Stargate Project?

In 1972 Puthoff and Targ tested remote viewer Ingo Swann at SRI, and the experiment led to a visit from two employees of the CIA’s Directorate of Science and Technology. The result was a $50,000 CIA-sponsored project known as the Stargate Project. The SRI team published papers in Nature and Proceedings of the IEEE.

Who are the children of Joan Targ and Russell Targ?

Russell and Joan had a daughter, Elisabeth Targ, who was a psychiatrist and parapsychologist and two sons Alexander and Nicholas. In 2003 Targ married artist Patricia Kathleen Phillips.

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