What can you find in the NP131 chart Catalogue?

What can you find in the NP131 chart Catalogue?

The ADMIRALTY NP131 Chart Catalogue is a comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all ADMIRALTY charts and publications available worldwide. Listed by region, get full details of individual title, scale coverage and UK recommended retail price for each chart and publication.

What is chart Catalogue in Marine?

The chart catalogue consists of over 3,500 admiralty charts with coverage appropriate for navigation of deep sea ocean crossings, passage planning, coastal navigation, port approaches and harbour berthing. Mariners should always use the largest scale nautical chart appropriate to their needs.

What is chart Catalogue and its uses?

[′chart ‚kad·əl‚äg] (navigation) A list or enumeration of navigational charts, sometimes with index charts indicating the extent of coverage of the various navigational charts.

Who are responsible for the publishing of charts correction?

Mariners are requested to cooperate in the correction of charts and publications by reporting all discrepancies between published information and conditions actually observed and by recommending appropriate improvements. A reporting form is provided in the back of each Notice to Mariners.

What are some of the important contents that Catalogue charts has?

Some of the important contents are listed below:

  • General Information.
  • List Of Admiralty Charts And Agents.
  • Numerical List Of Charts And Publications.
  • Limits Of Chart Index.
  • Limits Of Small Scale Charts.
  • List Of Chain Details Of Decca – Loran Charts.
  • Wall And Outline Charts.
  • Routing Charts.

How often is a chart Catalogue published?

What are Chart Catalogue (NP – 131)? It is published by the hydrographer of the navy every year.

What is the important of chart Catalogue?

It gives the date of publication, Diagrammatic index of coverage date of the current edition, the coverage area of publication & titles of various charts & publication.

What is the use of chart Catalogue or NP 131?

What are Chart Catalogue (NP – 131)? It is published by the hydrographer of the navy every year. It consists of 37 sections, which give the date of publication, date of the current edition, the coverage area of a publication, diagrammatic index of coverage, and titles of various charts and publications.

How do you correct a chart Catalogue?

Correction for a new chart:

  1. Highlight the chart number in the correction log.
  2. Enter the Chart Folio and sequence number, from the index.
  3. Correct the chart for any pending corrections.
  4. Correct the Admiralty Chart Catalogue (NP 131) if affected.

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