What event does Tyler tell Caroline he loves her?

What event does Tyler tell Caroline he loves her?

Tyler approaches Matt at the Grill and tells him that him and Caroline were only ever friends, and that she helped him with a lot, and because of that, he developed feelings for her.

What happened between Caroline and Tyler?

Tyler broke up with Caroline during “The Vampire Diaries” fifth episode of season 5, telling her that he needs to exact revenge on Klaus for killing his mom and ruining his life. And even though Caroline begged for him to love her more than he hates Klaus, Tyler ended up leaving.

Did Caroline really love Tyler?

Caroline and Tyler faced countless threats to their relationship, including Klaus turning Tyler into a hybrid. The couple drifts apart after Tyler refuses to move on from his vendetta against the Original. Tyler was Caroline’s first love and it would have been a sweet conclusion to see them reunite.

Who did Caroline sleep with?

7 Alaric Saltzman Alaric fell in love with Caroline for real, but Caroline only stuck around as long as she did because they were co-parenting their children. While they were engaged for a time, Alaric and Caroline slept in separate rooms, making it clear that their relationship was never meant to last.

How did Tyler and Caroline get to know each other?

When Caroline became a vampire and Tyler a werewolf, they found themselves understanding each others’ situations and they ended up building an unexpected friendship. They started to spend a lot a time with one another, confessing their thoughts of being a supernatural being which ultimately brought them closer.

What do they call Tyler and Caroline on the Vampire Diaries?

When the other side collapses and Tyler comes back, him and Caroline share a brief hug. They are referred to as “Forwood” or “Tyroline” but less commonly, “Cyler” or “Tyline” by fans.

How did Caroline find out she was a vampire?

After Caroline breaks up a fight between Tyler and Matt, and Tyler kills Sarah, she’s the first to realize that he has activated his curse. Tyler, suspicious of her, soon discovers that she’s a vampire, only after accusing her of also being a werewolf due to her strength.

What happens to Tyler and Caroline in 500 years of Solitude?

Caroline tells Tyler if he walks out of the door, it’s over, permanently. Tyler is seen in a dilemma for a few seconds, and is seen crying, and walks out of the door, ending their relationship permanently and leaves Caroline, crying sadly. In 500 Years of Solitude, Tyler returns to Mystic Falls.


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