Can you take Vitex while trying to conceive?

Can you take Vitex while trying to conceive?

‘Vitex is a very important herb for bringing reproductive hormones into balance and has a key part to play in any fertility strategy,’ she adds. ‘Vitex is particularly useful for anyone having problems conceiving due to low progesterone levels. ‘

Can you conceive a baby if you have PCOS?

You can get pregnant with PCOS. You will likely need to have moderate weight, balance your blood sugar levels, and treat other PCOS symptoms with healthy lifestyle changes and medications. In some cases, fertility medications alone will help you get pregnant. If that doesn’t work, you may need IVF treatment.

Can I take Vitex with PCOS?

Conclusions: The hormonal levels highly reflect the underlying hormonal imbalance in PCOS and the results obtained in the present study also proved that vitex agnus castus is more efficient in reversing the adverse effects of hormonal imbalance of PCOS.

Can Vitex affect ovulation?

Conclusions:The supplement may be used by women trying to conceive. The patented blend consisting of a combination of Vitex, Maca and active folate regulates the menstrual cycle, stimulates ovulation and increases the likelihood of getting pregnant.

How long does vitex take to conceive?

But in women who are infertile because they do not have enough of the hormone called progesterone, there is some evidence that taking a vitex agnus-castus product (Mastodynon, Bionorica GmbH, Neumarkt/Opf., Deutschland) twice daily for at least 3 months can help increase the chances of getting pregnant.

How should I take Vitex for fertility?

Doctors typically suggest 40 drops of a liquid, concentrated vitex extract or 35–40 mg of the equivalent dried, powdered extract to be taken once per day in the morning with some liquid. Vitex should be taken for at least three menstrual cycles to determine efficacy.

How do you know you are ovulating with PCOS?

Checking your cervical mucus: A woman’s cervical mucus changes throughout the course of her monthly menstrual cycle. At the start of her cycle, her cervical mucus will be dry. When cervical mucus is wet or the consistency of raw egg whites, ovulation may be approaching.

How can I increase my ovulation with PCOS?

Women with PCOS can boost fertility by eating more:

  1. Whole grains.
  2. Vegetable proteins (lentils, beans, nuts, seeds)
  3. Fruits.
  4. Vegetables.

How long should I take vitex to get pregnant?

Does vitex help fertility?

Vitex may improve female fertility due to its possible effect on prolactin levels ( 17 ). This may be especially true in women with luteal phase defect, or a shortened second half of the menstrual cycle. This disorder is linked to abnormally high prolactin levels and makes it difficult for women to become pregnant.

Does vitex lower FSH?

Vitex has been shown to reduce levels of follicle-stimulating hormone and increase luteinizing hormone, thereby reducing estrogen and increasing progesterone levels. At higher doses, Vitex inhibits prolactin production.

When in my cycle should I take vitex?

Bleeding. Research suggests that taking vitex agnus-castus three times daily from the first daily of menstruation until day 8 of the cycle for four cycles reduces bleeding caused by an intrauterine device.

What happens when you take Vitex for PCOS?

Vitex increases progesterone levels by increasing LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, and it suppresses prolactin levels – the result is increased ovulatory cycles. This sounds like a perfect scenario for PCOS sufferers, but there’s a problem.

How does Vitex increase progesterone in the body?

Supplements of any kind are best seen as a way to super-charge your other efforts with diet and lifestyle changes. They are never a solution in themselves. Vitex increases progesterone levels by increasing LH (luteinizing hormone) levels, and it suppresses prolactin levels – the result is increased ovulatory cycles.

How does Vitex agnus castus help with ovulation?

At the same time, it gently suppresses the release of follicle stimulating hormone or FSH. Vitex Agnus Castus uses this mechanism to stimulate hormones essential for regular ovulation and restore overall hormonal balance. If we are being more specific, Vitex Agnus Castus helps regulate pituitary gland function.

Can you use Vitex if your LH is high?

If you know your LH level is high (if you don’t know – ask for a hormonal panel blood test from your doctor), you should not use Vitex. Most women have the kind of PCOS that is insulin-resistant and comes with high LH, and they should avoid Vitex.

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