What year was Peter a popular name?

What year was Peter a popular name?


Peter (masculine)
1996 #95 0.204
1995 #89 0.204
1994 #87 0.207
1993 #82 0.220

Is the name Peter still popular?

Peter has been a long time favorite boy’s name in the United States. For over 100 years, the name has averaged on the Top 50 list of most-commonly used boy names. It wasn’t until the last 20 years that Peter started to display signs of fatigue on the charts.

Is Peter an old name?

It is derived from Greek Πέτρος, Petros (an invented, masculine form of Greek petra, the word for “rock” or “stone”), which itself was a translation of Aramaic Kefa (“stone, rock”), the nickname Jesus gave to apostle Simon Bar-Jona. An Old English variant is Piers….Peter (given name)

Word/name Greek
Meaning Stone/Rock
Other names

Where is the name Peter most popular?

Peter Popularity

  • 214US2020.
  • 173Nameberry2021.
  • 264Future2028.
  • 227England2020.
  • 86Ireland2018.
  • 245Germany2016.

How old is the name Peter?

In England the Normans introduced it in the Old French form Piers, which was gradually replaced by the spelling Peter starting in the 15th century [1]. Besides the apostle, other saints by this name include the 11th-century reformer Saint Peter Damian and the 13th-century preacher Saint Peter Martyr.

Is Peter an Irish name?

Meaning of the name Peter. Listen and learn how to pronounce Peter so you can get the correct pronunciation for this boy name. MEANING: Irish form of Peter and thus comes ultimately from Greek petros””the rock,”” it is still in common use in Ireland today.

Why is Peter not a popular name?

Peter is a non-religious Biblical name that after years of common use has lost most of its Biblical connection. The diminutive Pete embodies quaint masculinity just like other classic diminutives, Jake and Hank.

What is short for Peter?

Pete is a diminutive form of the given name Peter.

Who are some famous people with the name Peter?

Besides the apostle, other saints by this name include the 11th-century reformer Saint Peter Damian and the 13th-century preacher Saint Peter Martyr. It was also borne by rulers of Aragon, Portugal, and Russia, including the Russian tsar Peter the Great (1672-1725), who defeated Sweden in the Great Northern War.

How are popular baby names determined by decade?

Popular names by decade are determined the same way we determine the popularity of a name during a single year. We count the number of occurrences of each name during the decade, and then rank them in order of decreasing frequency.

Where did the last name Peter come from?

Due to the renown of the apostle, this name became common throughout the Christian world (in various spellings). In England the Normans introduced it in the Old French form Piers, which was gradually replaced by the spelling Peter starting in the 15th century [1].

What was the most popular name in the last 100 years?

For example, the name James, ranked as the most popular male name over the last 100 years, has been ranked as low as number 19. Similarly, the most popular female name in the table, Mary, ranked as low as 127.

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