What are conflict management strategies used in schools?

What are conflict management strategies used in schools?

Educators have identified four conflict resolution strategies that can be used in a variety of school-based settings. These four conflict resolution strategies include peer mediation, process curriculum, peaceable classrooms, and peaceable schools.

What are the five conflict management strategies?

According to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), used by human resource (HR) professionals around the world, there are five major styles of conflict management—collaborating, competing, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising.

What are four possible sources of conflict at school?

Causes of conflict include difference in perceptions, limited resources, overlapping authority amongst others; while conflict management strategies include accommodation, avoidance, competition and collaboration.

How do teachers resolve student conflicts?

Managing Teacher-Student Conflict

  1. Don’t rush to save them.
  2. Listen to their side of the story.
  3. The other side of the story.
  4. Encourage them to speak with the teacher.
  5. Coach them to voice concerns.
  6. Establish a working relationship.
  7. Navigate through difficult situations.
  8. Call in the reinforcements.

What are common conflicts at school?

In the school system, inter-personal conflict occurs between teacher versus teacher and students versus students. A frequent cause of inter- personal conflict in the school system is personality clash. When two teachers distrust each other’s motives, dislike one another or for some other reason cannot get along.

Why is conflict resolution important in schools?

Teaching conflict resolution skills is important for the maintenance of a good moral community in the classroom. Without conflict resolution skills, students will be morally handicapped in their interpersonal relations now and later in life.

Is there a conflict management strategy in schools?

Even with the strongest meditative skills at their disposal, no human being is immune to conflict, but the damage can be minimised with the right strategy. While most schools have a conflict management strategy in place, the onus is often on teachers to implement it and suggest improvements if necessary.

Why are there so many conflicts in school?

According to the research findings, the reasons for conflicts occurring in school has been diversified based on the way of doing things, individual differences and school management. The strategies for conflict solution used by the teachers vary according to school shareholders in which they experience conflict.

What is the purpose of the conflict management initiative?

The primary purpose of the Initiative is to assist schools in institutionalizing the skills and concepts of conflict management as established and accepted elements of the school culture. The ultimate objective is to enhance the school climate by reducing barriers to teaching and learning and thereby improve academic achievement.

What was the object of the conflict management study?

Abstract The object of this study is to evaluate the reasons for conflicts occurring in school according to perceptions and views of teachers and resolution strategies used for conflicts and to build a model based on the results obtained. In the research, explanatory design including quantitative and qualitative methods has been used.


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