Where to find wildflowers in the Sims 3?

Where to find wildflowers in the Sims 3?

Wildflowers are a special kind of flowers that can be picked up. They were introduced in The Sims 3: Seasons. They appear in Spring and can be found on any lot. During Spring, all insect, space rock, metal, gem, and seed spawners have a 25% chance to spawn wildflowers. They live up to five days before they will be replaced.

What do Plantsims do in Sims 3 university life?

PlantSims are the new Occult life state in The Sims 3 University Life Expansion Pack. This guide will teach you how to turn a Sim into a PlantSim, their unique features, and how to grow PlantSim babies from Forbidden Fruit.

What happens if you eat a forbidden fruit in Sims 3?

A Sim that eats a Forbidden Fruit will get the 4h Botanitis Minorus moodlet, which costs $3000 Simoleons to cure. When the moodlet wears off, the Sim will transform into a PlantSim. You can cure Sims after they transform, or with the Supernatural Expansion Pack, use Alchemy to make potent cure elixirs to reverse the transformation.

How do you turn a SIM into a Plantsim?

Any Sim that has the gardening skill can then plant/grow the seed and harvest a PlantSim baby that looks like their offspring. Sims who submit themselves to be test subjects at the Science Facility have a 20% chance to be transformed into a PlantSim when the test is over.

What are the colors of the Indian blanket flower?

The Indian blanket flower does well in Zones 3 to 10, and when they bloom, you can find shades of yellow, red, orange, and even peach. The Indian blanket flower has petals that are set around a dark center. You can grow the Indian blanket flower in containers or along borders.

Do you need to cut back Indian blanket flowers?

Pruning the Indian Blanket Flower The blanket flower doesn’t need to be deadheaded to keep its bloom, but your plants will look better if you cut the stems back when you see the flowers begin to fade. If you do want to deadhead, you can, and you can easily get more flowers out of your plants.

Are there any problems with the blanket flower?

Finally, one of the nicest things about all of the blanket flowers is that they are generally free of problems, but they can be susceptible to a disease called aster yellows, which is like a virus that causes slow growth and no color. They also can get attacked by pests like aphids and leaf-hoppers, which spread aster yellows.

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