How do I export data from MATLAB Simulink to Excel?

How do I export data from MATLAB Simulink to Excel?

You first want to export the data from Simulink to the MATLAB workspace. This can be done via the simout block. The next step is to export the data from the MATLAB workspace to Excel using the xlswrite command command.

How do I export data from MATLAB to Excel?

You can use the “MLGetFigure” function to import current MATLAB figure into Microsoft Excel worksheet. You can also do this by launching Excel from MATLAB by using the ActiveX Automation client feature of MATLAB. You can print a figure to the clipboard and then insert the clipboard contents into Excel.

How do I write an Excel file in MATLAB?

Write Numeric and Text Data to Spreadsheet File

  1. A = magic(5) C = {‘Time’, ‘Temp’; 12 98; 13 ‘x’; 14 97}
  2. filename = ‘testdata.xlsx’; writematrix(A,filename,’Sheet’,1,’Range’,’E1:I5′)
  3. writecell(C,filename,’Sheet’,’Temperatures’,’Range’,’B2′);

How do I print data from Excel in MATLAB?

How to print out tabulated data to excel

  1. % The “result” is N by 1 double array.
  2. C = categorical(result,[2 3 4 5 6],{‘Mon’,’Tue’,’Wed’,’Thu’,’Fri’});
  3. tabulate(C)
  4. % print output.
  5. fileName= ‘output.xlsx’;
  6. sheetName = ‘sheet1’;
  7. xlswrite(fileName,C,sheetName,’B3′);

How do I export data from MATLAB?

You can export a cell array from MATLAB® workspace into a text file in one of these ways:

  1. Use the writecell function to export the cell array to a text file.
  2. Use fprintf to export the cell array by specifying the format of the output data.

How do I save my Simulink scope data?

You save data to a file by first saving the data to the MATLAB® workspace through a Simulink® Scope block. For data to be saved, set Scope block parameters. After you create a Simulink model and add a Scope block, you can enter the scope parameters for signal logging to a file.

How do I extract data from Matlab figures?

You can get the data from a plot by accessing the XData and YData properties from each Line object in the axes.

  1. Make the figure containing the plot the current figure.
  2. Call the gca command to get the current axes within that figure.
  3. Get the coordinates from the XData and YData properties of the Line object.

How do you export data in MATLAB?

How do I plot data from Excel to MATLAB?

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  1. You can simply read data in an Excel file using the readtable function.
  2. Then, read the column data as X and Y variables into Matlab. ( Use the column header names in the Excel file to extract values. Please see the example below)
  3. Use the plot function to create a plot.

How to export data from a simulation in MATLAB?

Connect a Scope block to a signal. If you use a Scope block for viewing results during simulation, consider also using the Scope block to export data. Save output at a sample rate other than the base sample rate. Scopes store data and can be memory intensive. Connect a signal to a To File block.

How do I export signal data in Simulink?

Export Signal Data Using Signal Logging. Configure Simulink ® to export time, state, and output data. To capture complete information about the simulation as a whole, consider exporting this data. Use the Output parameter to save root Outport block data during simulation.

How to export model states in MATLAB base?

To export the states and root-level output ports of a model to the MATLAB base workspace during simulation of the model, use one of these interfaces: Configuration Settings > Data Import/Export pane (for details, see Model Configuration Parameters: Data Import/Export)

Which is the extrapolation method used in Simulink?

For details, see Specify Sample Time. Extrapolation method that Simulink uses for a simulation time hit that is before the first time stamp in the spreadsheet. Choose one of these extrapolation methods. If the spreadsheet contains only one sample, the From Spreadsheet block outputs the corresponding data value.

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