Who are the 4 Tezcatlipocas?

Who are the 4 Tezcatlipocas?

In Aztec mythology, Creator-gods are the only four Tezcatlipocas, the children of the creator couple Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl “Lord and Lady of Duality”, “Lord and Lady of the Near and the Close”, “Father and Mother of the Gods”, “Father and Mother of us all”, who received the gift of the ability to create other …

Who did Tezcatlipoca marry?

While Xochiquetzal was connected to many gods, the legend of her marriage to Tezcatlipoca is the most well-known. According to most surviving accounts, Xochiquetzal had already been married at least once before she married Tlaloc, the god of water and rain. The two worked together to make the world fertile.

What Aztec god was evil?

Tezcatlipoca (pronounced Tez-cah-tlee-poh-ka)’s name means “Smoking Mirror” and he is often represented as an evil power, associated with death and cold. Tezcatlipoca was the patron of the night, of the north, and in many aspects represented the opposite of his brother, Quetzalcoatl.

Who is black Tezcatlipoca?

The Black Tezcatlipoca is one of the four Tezcatlipoca created when Tlaloc broke the Tezcatlipoca Mirror 19 years prior to the events of Little Bunny Foo Foo. While not a character, it’s a driving antagonistic force in the story of No Evil. The Black Tezcatlipoca represents the virtue of peace.

What is xolotl the god of?

In Aztec mythology, the dog god Xolotl is the Sunset god. He accompanies and guards the Sun into the land of Death every night. The world was said to have been destroyed four times before our present age.

How did Tezcatlipoca lose his leg?

When depicted he was usually drawn with a black and a yellow stripe painted across his face. He is often shown with his right foot replaced with an obsidian mirror, bone, or a snake—an allusion to the creation myth in which he loses his foot battling with the Earth Monster.

Who is the Red Tezcatlipoca?

The Red Tezcatlipoca is one of the four Tezcatlipoca created when Tlaloc broke the Tezcatlipoca Mirror 19 years prior to the events of Little Bunny Foo Foo. The Red Tezcatlipoca represents the virtue of judgement.

Did the Aztecs have demigods?

Introduction. Famous demigods of Aztec descent has been scattered throughout the world since the fall of the Aztec Empire. Most Aztec demigods have been instrumental in the world stage becoming famous in different types of aspects.

Who is the god dog?

listen)) was a god of fire and lightning. He was commonly depicted as a dog-headed man and was a soul-guide for the dead. He was also god of twins, monsters, misfortune, sickness, and deformities. Xolotl is the canine brother and twin of Quetzalcoatl, the pair being sons of the virgin Chimalma….

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Who was Tezcatlipoca and what did he do?

According to the sacred historical traditions of the Aztec, which trace back to the paradigmatic kingdom of Tollan (900 – 1100 ce), Tezcatlipoca, a great sorcerer, drew uncanny powers from his obsidian mirror in a struggle against the Toltec priest-king Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl (“our young prince the feathered serpent”).

What kind of animal is Tezcatlipoca the Jaguar?

Tezcatlipoca was often depicted with yellow and black stripes across his face, and with his right foot replaced by a snake or an obsidian mirror. Sometimes Tezcatlipoca was depicted in the form of a jaguar, a reference to the myth of the world of the first sun.

What kind of skin does a Tezcatlipoca have?

The color black is strongly associated with Tezcatlipoca and he is often portrayed as having horizontal bands across his face especially in black and yellow, but the many different codices vary on which two colors from site to site. There are also portrayals of his body also being black in certain places.

How are the Tezcatlipoca temples related to momoztli?

Many of the temples now associated with Tezcatlipoca are built facing East-West, as Olivier quotes Felipe Solis: “the sacred building of the war god [Tezcatlipoca] was in direct relation with the movement of the sun, in the same manner of the Great Temple was, their façades being towards the West”. There are also several references to momoztli.

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