Should I stop HRT after 5 years?

Should I stop HRT after 5 years?

And how do you go about it? If you are healthy, most experts agree that HRT is safe to use at the lowest dose that helps for the shortest time needed. If you’re 59 or older, or have been on hormones for 5 years, you should talk to your doctor about quitting.

Can you take HRT for 10 years?

There’s no limit on how long you can take HRT, but talk to a GP about how long they recommend you take the treatment. Most women stop taking it once their menopausal symptoms pass, which is usually after a few years.

How many years can you stay on HRT?

When to stop taking HRT Most women are able to stop taking HRT after their menopausal symptoms finish, which is usually two to five years after they start (but in some cases this can be longer). Gradually decreasing your HRT dose is usually recommended, rather than stopping suddenly.

Can I take HRT for 20 years?

For women who start HRT more than 10 or 20 years after menopause starts or when they’re age 60 or older, the risks of HRT are greater than the benefits because HRT is linked to a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, blood clots, and dementia.

What happens when you go off HRT?

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -Though long-term hormone replacement therapy has serious health risks, going off the medication may lead to a return of menopausal symptoms and increased risk for high blood pressure, according to a new study.

Is there an upper age limit for HRT?

It is not usually appropriate for women over 60 to be starting HRT but as the WHI study shows, women initiating it over 60 years do not seem to be at increased risk of cardiovascular events or mortality. Many women seek advice on the effects of HRT on sexual activity and desire.

What is considered long-term use of HRT?

It is currently believed that, overall, the risks of long-term (more than five years) use of HRT outweigh the benefits. HRT should not be recommended for disease prevention, except for women under 60 years of age with substantially increased risk of bone fractures, or in the setting of premature menopause.

Is going on and off HRT bad for you?

Does HRT delay aging?

How HRT Helps to Make You Look Younger? Hormone replacement therapy done in a good clinic can help you delaying the aging process. Apart from that, your wrinkles, blemishes and other aging signs can also be removed. You will look fresh and young once you start taking the therapy.

Can you go back on HRT after stopping?

Going back on HRT We don’t recommend that you stop and start HRT repeatedly, as there’s a small slight increase in the risk of stroke in women in the first six months of stopping treatment.

How long does HRT last for a woman?

The study included long-term follow-up of women who did not use HRT and those who discontinued HRT, mostly in the early 2000s. Among women with complete information, mean HRT duration was 10 years in current users and 7 years in past users. Key findings of the study are provided in this article.

Is it better to wait 5 years for hormone replacement therapy?

Waiting 5 Years to Start Hormone Replacement Therapy Offers Less Risk. Many studies have shown a link between increased breast cancer risk and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to treat bothersome menopausal symptoms.

How does HRT affect the risk of breast cancer?

It is not known if the increased risk of breast cancer with HRT use is similar for women who take HRT following a premature menopause (younger than age 40 years), or how their risk may be affected by any underlying conditions. Risk of breast cancer increases with duration of HRT use.

How long do you have to take HRT for bone loss?

In order to accrue significant skeletal benefits from HRT, therapy must be administered for at least 5 to 10 years. [ 5] However, long-term adherence to HRT is relatively low, and bone loss resumes after discontinuation of HRT.

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