Was merely a set back?

Was merely a set back?

Merely a setback is a catchphrase originated by Kael’thas Sunstrider in Magisters’ Terrace. It has become a common utterance and a sort of running gag whenever there is the perception that a boss who was previously defeated is merely being recycled, and has appeared multiple times in World of Warcraft as a result.

What was Kael’thas plan?

Kael’thas’ purpose was to summon Kil’jaeden through the Sunwell, but his plans were foiled by the Shattered Sun Offensive agents and the sacrifice of Anveena Teague. He was defeated by their forces in Magisters’ Terrace. His soul was confined to the plane of Revendreth within the Shadowlands for his misdeeds.

How many times has Kael’thas been a boss?

Kael’thas Sunstrider is famous for being a boss in The Burning Crusade — twice. He was the leader of the Blood Elves and Prince of Quel’Thalas, but he allied with Kil’jaeden and the Burning Legion, having been mislead about how to save his people from the scourge.

Why did blood elves join the Horde?

The blood elves of Azeroth joined the Horde in the Burning Crusade expansion, seeking to reunite with Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider in Outland. They have since reclaimed their capital of Silvermoon City, situated in Eversong Woods. Lor’themar Theron led them in Kael’thas’ absence.

How did Kael’thas become bad?

Kael’thas goes evil After the whole Naga incident, Kael’thas found himself working with the demon hunter Illidan and his Naga ally, Lady Vashj. Instead, Burning Crusade had Kael’thas turn on his people and betray them.

When was Kael’thas killed?

First World Kill of Kael’Thas by Nihilum at 25/05/2007!!!

Is sylvanas a blood elf?

Still, the Forsaken and Sylvanas are pleased that her old friends, the Blood Elves, have joined the Horde. Distinguishing characteristics: Despite being an undead high elf banshee, Sylvanas is portrayed in WoW as a differently colored night elf model.

Is maiev a girl?

Maiev Shadowsong
Gender Female
Race Night elf
Class Warden, Priestess (former)
Reaction Alliance Horde Alliance Horde

What does merely a setback mean in World of Warcraft?

Updated 2 months ago by MScratch. “Merely A Setback” is a popular catchphrase among World of Warcraft players referring to the dialogue of Kael’thas Sunstrider in the Magister’s Terrace instance.

Which is the best synonym for the word setback?

Setback: a change in status for the worse usually temporarily. Synonyms: knock, lapse, reversal… Find the right word.

Who was the first dungeon boss to say merely a setback?

Spread. Being that Kael’thas was the first notable dungeon boss character to make a reappearance after being beaten down by players in the Tempest Keep raid, his acknowledging phrase “Tempest Keep was merely a setback” quickly gained popularity among the WoW community, where derivatives of the phrase such as “Magister’s Terrace was merely…

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