What is the female version of the word phallic?

What is the female version of the word phallic?

Phallic comes from the Ancient Greek phallos by way of Late Latin phallus. Conveniently, clitoral comes from the Ancient Greek kleitoris, also by way of Late Latin. By this deduction, the female analog to phallic is clitoral.

What is vaginal imagery called?

Sexual desire had become an incendiary topic for feminists just at the moment feminist artists began to develop a visual language with which to represent it: vaginal imagery, otherwise known as “central core” or female imagery.

What is the opposite of phallic?

When something is yonic its form is inspired by the vagina or vulva.

What is phallic and yonic?

As adjectives the difference between yonic and phallic is that yonic is in the shape of a vulva or a vagina, in the shape of a yoni while phallic is having to do with the penis, especially in terms of shape.

What is a Yonic symbol?

A stylized representation of a vulva worshiped as a symbol of a goddess or Shakti.

What is the male equivalent of distaff?

spear side
Apparently, the masculine equivalent of the distaff side is the spear side!

What is a female counterpart?

Gender counterpart would generally mean the other gender. So if it’s for males, the counterpart would be understood to be female and vice versa. (It works here because there are only two genders. If talking about more, this could create confusion.) Female counterpart would specifically mean the females.

What does male counterpart mean?

A counterpart is generally an equal or equivalent. The German counterpart to Shinzo Abe is Angela Merkel. The male counterpart to a cow is a bull.

What is a opposite gender of heir?

Opposite gender of heir is heiress. Opposite gender means which is opposite in sex like opposite gender of man is woman. There are four gender in English grammar they are masculine, feminine, common and neuter .

What is a spindle and distaff?

Spinning consists of the twisting together of drawn-out strands of fibers to form yarn. A distaff is designed to hold the unspun fibers, meanwhile a spindle is a straight spike, usually made from wood, onto which the fiber is being spun. The most commonly used fibers in Europe were wool and flax.

What are modern day counterparts?

countable noun [usually poss NOUN] Someone’s or something’s counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place.

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