Can you add a comment when you retweet?

Can you add a comment when you retweet?

You have the option to add your own comments and/or media before Retweeting. When using Twitter’s Retweet icon, your Retweet or Quote Tweet will reference the Tweet you are sharing. When someone replies to your Quote Tweet, the author of the original Tweet will not be automatically added to the conversation.

Why can’t I retweet with comment?

Why can’t some Tweets be Retweeted? If you see the lock icon next to someone’s name on their profile page or on their Tweets, their Tweets are protected and you will not be able to Retweet their content. If your Tweets are protected, you can still Retweet and Quote Tweet.

Does retweet with comment count as retweet?

From now on, your retweet count will include both basic retweets AND retweets with comments, and you’ll also be able to see which is which in a new listing within the tweet detail. Don’t miss the Tweets about your Tweet.

How do I retweet and tag someone?

Insert “RT” followed by “@” and the other user’s Twitter handle at the beginning of the tweet. Do not put a space between “@” and the handle. The RT tag identifies the message as a retweet.

How do you retweet with comments on Android?

Today, Twitter has announced that this feature is now available on Twitter for Android app and for the web. With this feature, when you click on the “Retweets” option on your tweet, it will direct you to a new page where in addition to retweets you will also see retweets with comments. Representational Image.

How do you retweet with comments on android?

How do I retweet and tag a friend?

Click “Home” and paste the tweet into the “Compose New Tweet” field. Insert “RT” followed by “@” and the other user’s Twitter handle at the beginning of the tweet. Do not put a space between “@” and the handle. The RT tag identifies the message as a retweet.

How do you retweet a tweet in a reply?

Retweet with a Comment Step 1: You come across a tweet, and you would like to use the quote retweet feature. Click on the Retweet icon or retweet symbol. Step 2: Choose the Quote Tweet option. Step 3: A pop-up will appear where you can enter your comment.

What is the difference between Retweet and retweet with comment?

Reply is response to something written by someone on Twitter. Retweet is the way you forward another user’s tweet to your followers. There are two options – the Twitter ReTweet without adding your comments, or tweeting with RT with the option to include your comments.

What does retweet with comment mean?

A “Retweet With Comment” is the new(ish) version of a “quote tweet,” in which a user re-shares someone else’s tweet but adds a comment of their own.

How do I retweet to a friend?

Click the point to the left of the “@” symbol, type “RT” and then press the spacebar. The text is now in a manual retweet format such as “RT @username This is a tweet.” Note that there must always be a space before the “@” symbol and after the person’s username for Twitter to tag the tweet with that person’s name.

How to allow someone to retweet your tweets?

How to Allow someone to Retweet your Tweets Log in to your Twitter account. Click the “gear” icon in the top right of the screen to activate a drop-down menu. Scroll down to the “Tweet privacy” section. Click the “Save” button. Enter your Twitter password when prompted to confirm the account settings changes. Switching your Twitter account… See More….

How do you retweet your own tweets?

Go to the Tweet you’d like to share: Tap the Retweet icon Tap Retweet with a comment. Add your own comment. You also have the option to include media. Tap Retweet.

Can I retweet my tweet more than once?

You can only retweet a tweet once. You could technically undo a retweet and retweet it again (by clicking on the retweet icon twice). I do not have any conclusive evidence that this is beneficial and am not certain that retweeting multiple times is what the Twitter team had intended for that feature.

Why do people retweet a tweet?

Sharing someone’s post is a way to set yourself apart from people who only follow and comment. A retweet might also result in a return for the favor from an influencer with a heavy following, thereby increasing your exposure on Twitter. It also introduces valuable information and a new voice to your followers.

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