What are the major cities in Equatorial Guinea?

What are the major cities in Equatorial Guinea?

Equatorial Guinea – 10 Largest Cities

Name Population
1 Bata , Litoral 173,046
2 Malabo , Bioko Norte 155,963
3 Ebebiyin , Kié-Ntem 24,831
4 Aconibe , Wele-Nzas 11,192

How many cities does Equatorial Guinea have?

Equatorial Guinea has 0 cities with more than a million people, 2 cities with between 100,000 and 1 million people, and 3 cities with between 10,000 and 100,000 people. The largest city in Equatorial Guinea is Bata, with a population of 173,046 people….Population.

Name 2021 Population
Rebola 5,450
San Antonio de Pale 4,433

What are the 6 regions of Guinea Ecuatorial?

Administrative Regions of Equatorial Guinea

  • Annobón Province on the island Annobón (San Antonio de Palé)
  • Bioko Norte Province on the island Bioko (Malabo)
  • Bioko Sur Province on the island Bioko (Luba)
  • Centro Sur Province (Evinayong)
  • Kié-Ntem Province (Ebebiyín)

Is Equatorial Guinea corrupt?

Political corruption in Equatorial Guinea is high by world standards and considered among the worst of any country on earth. Its corruption system, according to the Open Society Foundations (OSF), is “unparalleled in its brazenness”.

What is the capital city of Equatorial Guinea?

Equatorial Guinea/Capitals
Malabo, formerly (until 1973) Santa Isabel, capital of Equatorial Guinea. It lies on the northern edge of the island of Bioko (or Fernando Po) on the rim of a sunken volcano.

What is the biggest city in Eritrea?

Eritrea’s capital and largest city is Asmara (Asmera).

What countries surround Equatorial Guinea?

Land. Continental Equatorial Guinea is a roughly rectangular territory bounded by Cameroon to the north and Gabon to the east and south. Near the coast are the small islands of Corisco and Great and Little Elobey.

How many provinces are in Guinea Equatorial?

eight provinces
Equatorial Guinea is divided into two regions and eight provinces (Spanish: provincias, French: province, Portuguese: províncias). The newest province is Djibloho, created in 2017 with its headquarters at Ciudad de la Paz, the country’s future capital.

Which region is Equatorial Guinea?

Equatorial Guinea is on the west coast of Central Africa. The country consists of a mainland territory, Río Muni, which is bordered by Cameroon to the north and Gabon.

How poor is Equatorial Guinea?

Over 70% of the population lives in poverty in Equatorial Guinea, and over 40% lives in extreme poverty. More than 50% of the population is under 18 years of age and child poverty is higher than adult poverty because of the larger number of children in poor house- holds.

What language do they speak in Equatorial Guinea?

Equatorial Guinea/Official languages

What country in Africa speaks Spanish?

Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Equatorial Guinea

Republic of Equatorial Guinea República de Guinea Ecuatorial (Spanish) République de Guinée Équatoriale (French) República da Guiné Equatorial (Portuguese)
Largest city Bata
Official languages Spanish Portuguese French
Spoken languages show List

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