What is a Temposonic transducer used for?

What is a Temposonic transducer used for?

The Temposonics II LDT precisely senses the position of an external magnet to measure displacement with a high degree of accuracy and resolution.

What is a Temposonic sensor?

The Temposonics® MH Safety sensors are specifically designed for direct stroke measurement in hydraulic cylinders. The MH-Series sensors can be fully sealed and embedded in a cylinder which provides excellent protection against the environment and EMI and ensures a long operating life.

What is a linear position sensor?

A Linear Position Sensor is a device used for detecting movement in a linear motion, the sensor then converts the movement into output signals suitable for processing, the format of the output signals will differ dependent on the interface requirements and the application.

How does a magnetostrictive sensor work?

It works by using a ferromagnetic metal, which aligns itself with magnetic fields at the molecular level. By creating two competing magnetic fields, the magnetostrictive level sensor is able to generate a signal denoting the liquid level. This creates the first magnetic field.

What is a magnetostrictive transducer?

A magnetostrictive transducer makes use of a type of magnetic material in which an applied oscillating magnetic field squeezes the atoms of the material together, creating a periodic change in the length of the material and thus producing a high-frequency mechanical vibration.

How does a linear transducer work?

Linear transducers measure linear displacement or movement along a single axis in any direction. They do this by converting the movement into an electrical signal which is proportional to the displacement so that it can be processed by various devices.

What is a position transducer?

A position transducer typically consists of two fundamental parts. One part remains fixed in position while the other part moves with the mechanism whose displacement is being measured. The exact nature, and therefore the size, of the fixed and moving portions depend on the sensing technology being used.

What is magnetostrictive transducer?

A magnetostriction transducer is a device that is used to convert mechanical energy into magnetic energy and vice versa. Such a device can be used as a sensor and also for actuation as the transducer characteristics is very high due to the bi-directional coupling between mechanical and magnetic states of the material.

Where is magnetostriction used?

Applications. Magnetostrictive materials are used to convert electromagnetic energy into mechanical energy and vice versa. This effect can be used to create sensors that measure a magnetic field or detect a force. The magnetic field or force applied would create a strain in the material, which can be measured.

What is a magnetostrictive device?

Magnetostrictive transducers: electromechanical devices that use magnetostriction, an effect found in some ferromagnetic materials that changes dimension in response to the application of a magnetic field.

What is magnetostriction oscillator?

: an electric oscillator in which the frequency is controlled by the mechanical vibrations induced in a body by magnetostriction.

What is the use of linear transducer?

Who is Temposonics and what do they do?

Temposonics is the pioneer of magnetostrictive technology and a global manufacturer of non-contact linear position sensors and liquid level transmitters that provide reliable control for automation and safety applications.

Who is the supplier of MTS Temposonics industrial sensors?

Emolice is an approved supplier of MTS Temposonics® Industrial Sensors. MTS is a division of MTS Systems Corporation (NASDAQ:MTSC) and is recognised as an industry leader in sensing technologies and solutions.

How are sensors mounted on a temposonic cylinder?

At the head of our sensors, a threaded flange and O-ring allow the device to be mounted and sealed into a port opening in the cylinder end cap. Alternatively, some sensor designs enable direct embedding of the complete sensor (including the supporting electronics) inside the cylinder.

Why are Temposonics used in linear position measurement?

Since the speed of the ultrasonic wave in the waveguide is precisely known, the time required to receive the return signal can be converted into a linear position measurement with both high accuracy and repeatability. The Temposonics®technology, based on magnetostriction, does not rely on moving parts and is not exposed to mechanical stress.

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