How big is the inside of a C-130?

How big is the inside of a C-130?

The cargo compartment is approximately 41 feet long, 9 feet high, and 10 feet wide. Loading is from the rear of the fuselage. Both the flight station and the cargo compartment can be pressurized to maintain a cabin pressure-altitude of 5000 feet at an aircraft altitude of 28,000 feet.

How much space does a C-130 need?

Known as a Maximum Effort Landing, the C-130 can operate in and out of dirt strips that measure 3000 feet long by 50 feet wide. For comparison, a similar size commercial jet airliner uses a paved runway that is at least 6000 feet long and 150 feet wide.

Has a C-130 ever landed on an aircraft carrier?

Not only was it possible, it was done in moderately rough seas 500 miles out in the North Atlantic off the coast of Boston. In so doing, the airplane became the largest and heaviest aircraft to ever land on an aircraft carrier, a record that stands to this day.

How long a runway does a C-130 need?

Tradeoffs between passengers with baggage, cargo and usable fuel can be made as long as the total useful load weight remains the same. The FAA runway length requirement for C-130, P-3 and S-2 aircraft, uncorrected for runway gradients, is 6,000-feet based on FAA AC150/5325-4A.

Can a C-130 fly upside down?

However, the AC-130J was never intended to be flown upside down, and so the maneuver cause the aircraft to ‘over-G’. In simple terms, that means the aircraft was put under strain that it was never meant to endure, exceeding the manufacturer’s stress limits.

How tall is a C-130J cargo hold?

C-130J-30 cargo hold: length, 55 feet (16.9 meters); width, 119 inches (3.12 meters); height, 9 feet (2.74 meters). Rear ramp: length, 123 inches (3.12 meters); width, 119 inches (3.02 meters) 92 passengers or 64 airborne troops or

How tall is the rear ramp of a C-130 Hercules?

Rear ramp: length, 119 inches (36.27 meters); width, 118.9 inches (3.02 meters) C-130E/H/J-30: length, 56 feet (16.9 meters); width, 123 inches (3.12 meters); height, 9 feet (2.74 meters). Rear ramp: length, 119.9 inches (3.12 meters); width, 118.9 inches (36.24 meters)

Is the C-130J a tactical transport aircraft?

It is equipped with BAE Systems Integrated Defence Solutions (formerly Tracor) AN/ALE-47 countermeasures system. The Lockheed Martin C-130 is the US Air Force’s principal tactical cargo and personnel transport aircraft.

Which is the stretched version of the C-130J?

The C-130J-30 is the stretched version of the C-130J. The cargo floor length of the stretched version is increased from 40ft to 55ft, which gives a significant increase in the aircraft’s airlift capability.

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