How long does a bleeding heart tetra live?

How long does a bleeding heart tetra live?

around five years
The bleeding heart tetra, Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma, is a freshwater tropical fish native to the Upper Amazon River basin. It grows to the size of 64mm and lives for around five years.

How long does tetra last?

The estimated lifespan for tetras under good circumstances is 5 to 10 years. For smaller tetras, however, they live only up to 5 years at most. Even when you take care of tetras needs, it will be hard for them to live more than that because the conditions will not be optimal all the time.

Are tetras easy to keep alive?

Some of the easiest-to-care-for freshwater aquarium fish are tetras, swordtails, cool-looking betas, mollies and goldfish. Even among these species of freshwater fish, it’s important to make sure the fish are compatible. For most people, the best type of freshwater aquarium to choose is a heated tank.

What is the lifespan of neon fish?

In the wild they inhabit very soft, acidic waters (pH 4.0 to 4.8) Ideal pH for aquarium is 7.0, but a range of 6.0 to 8.0 is tolerable. They can have a lifespan of as long as ten years, but normally just two to three years in aquarium.

How long can tetras go without food?

Registered. Most fish can go at least a week or two without being fed and would probably be fine. 4 weeks is a pretty long time; but I’d be more concerned about the lack of maintenance (water changes) throughout that time rather than the lack of food.

Can bleeding heart tetras live with bettas?

Yes, bleeding heart tetra and bettas can go along. Since this fish can swim most in the lower water level while bleeding heart tetras swim in the middle range of water. So, both of them cannot get in their way.

Do tetras need a bubbler?

Neon tetras love the well-planted aquarium, and these live plants will happily thrive in the aquarium with neon tetras. But you’ll need equipment like a filter, aquarium bubbler, air pump, powerhead, or spray bar to create surface agitation and break the surface tension.

Why are my tetras dying?

The major cause of deaths of neon tetras is the change in water parameters and insecurity. When there are only a few neon tetras kept together, they become stressed and die. Also, neon tetras cannot resist sudden changes in water parameters and die eventually.

Will bleeding heart Tetras eat neon Tetras?

Goldfish, guppies, neon tetra, danios, and harlequin Rasboras can be suitable tankmates for bleeding heart tetra. These fish are non-predator and also need the same water parameter and temperature range as bleeding heart tetra.

What’s the life span of a bleeding heart tetra?

The typical bleeding heart tetra lifespan is between three and five years in captivity. But, that’s only if they are given proper care. Life expectancy is impacted by many factors. The main ones are improper water parameters, substandard conditions, and a lackluster diet.

Where can you find bleeding heart tetra fish?

Bleeding heart tetra is native to the densely populated streams and banks of the Upper Amazon. These tetras are also found on river basins in South America and Columbia and Fowler first described them in 1943. Bleeding hearts prefer water areas that are deeper and shallower. You can find them mainly in slow-moving streams.

Can a bleeding heart be in a community tank?

Bleeding hearts are mostly very peaceful and are not even slightly aggressive as other tetras. Hence, they are ideal for beginners with a community tank. You can mix them with other tetra fish like glowlight tetra, neon tetra, cardinal tetra in your community tank.

What kind of water does a bleeding heart fish live in?

Bleeding heart tetra is a peaceful and beautiful freshwater tropical fish. Its scientific name is Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma. It has a lifespan of up to 5 years and can grow up to 64mm. As an aquarium fish, Bleeding heart tetra does well in water temperatures of 78°F or 26°C., the water should be soft acid water with a pH of 6.5-6.8.

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