What are the products of Red Cross?

What are the products of Red Cross?

American Red Cross Store First Aid Emergency Kits – American Red Cross Emergency Response, American Red Cross Personal Preparedness, American Red Cross Family Kits, American Red Cross Emergency SmartPack, and Red Cross Ready Kits.

What are the first aid items?

A basic first aid kit may contain:

  • plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapes.
  • small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings.
  • at least 2 sterile eye dressings.
  • triangular bandages.
  • crêpe rolled bandages.
  • safety pins.
  • disposable sterile gloves.
  • tweezers.

What are 20 essential items that should be part of a well stocked first aid kit?

20 Essentials for Your First-Aid Kit

  • A first-aid manual.
  • Different sized sterile gauze pads.
  • Adhesive tape.
  • Band-Aids in several sizes.
  • Elastic bandage (like an Ace wrap)
  • Antiseptic wipes.
  • Antibiotic ointment.
  • Antiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)

How do you make a medicine kit?

For the rest of your first aid kit, you’ll need:

  1. acetaminophen and/or.
  2. ibuprofen.
  3. tweezers.
  4. alcohol wipes.
  5. antiseptic hand cleanser.
  6. medical adhesive tape.
  7. sterile gauze (four-inch squares are best)
  8. elastic bandages.

What are good items to have in an emergency kit?

Basic Disaster Supplies Kit

  • Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)
  • Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)
  • Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.
  • Flashlight.
  • First aid kit.
  • Extra batteries.
  • Whistle (to signal for help)

What is a first-aid kit?

A first aid kit is a box, bag or pack that holds supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains. More elaborate first aid kits can also include survival supplies, life-saving emergency supplies or convenience items like bug sting wipes or cold & flu medicines.

What are 20 essential items that should be part of a well stocked first-aid kit?


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