What can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

What can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

What Fish Can You Keep in a 30 Gallon Tank?

  1. Cichlids (Dwarf, South African, and South American)
  2. Tetras.
  3. Catfish species (Corys, Plecos, and Otos)
  4. Rainbowfish.
  5. Guppies.
  6. Gouramis.
  7. Rasboras.
  8. Mollies.

How many fish can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

This rule has many variations, but the most common version holds that you should stock 1 inch per 2-5 gallons of water. This means a 30-gallon tank could hold 6 to 15 1-inch fish, or 2 to 4 3-inch fish.

How much gravel do I need for a 30 gallon tank?

30-Gallon Standard This calculates to a base area of 432 square inches, which equates to approximately 43.2 lbs. of gravel. Being a few pounds off won’t hurt the tank, so you can use 40 and be just fine.

How many cardinal tetras can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

I keep a school of 12 – 18 Cardinal Tetras in a 30 gallon tank with rasboras (Trigonostigma heteromorpha /previously Rasbora heteromorpha) and they do great.

Can angelfish live in a 29 gallon tank?

A 29-gallon tank is big enough for your Angelfish. And it will also let you add plants and other smaller variety of fish without having you to do frequent water changes. If you change 40-50% water once in a week then it will bee just fine.

How many cichlids can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

How Many African Cichlids Can You Put in A 30-Gallon Tank? Given the rule above, you can have anywhere from four (4) medium-sized cichlid like the peacock, to six (6) dwarf African cichlids in a 30-gallon tank.

What fish can live together in a 30 gallon tank?

Neon Tetras, Black Neon Tetras and Lemon Tetras are just some of the desirable species which you can keep in a 30 gallon aquarium. They make colorful additions to planted aquariums. Another small species loved by aquarists are Rasboras. They are a peaceful community fish that are very common in tanks under 30 gallons.

Can Oscars live in a 30 gallon tank?

Ultimately a full-grown Oscar Fish requires a large tank. So ideally, you should keep Oscar Fish in a large tank of at least 55 gallons. The larger the better! You can keep 4-5 juvenile Oscar Fish in a small tank of 30 gallons.

Is too much gravel bad for aquarium?

Large gravel can damage stems as you plant them, and the roots hold better to smaller-grade gravel. Sand offers a lot of hold for roots, but deeper areas of sand can develop anaerobic bacteria (bacteria that grows without oxygen), which is thought to deter root growth.

How thick should aquarium gravel be?

How thick should the sand or gravel layer be? Two inches is a typical recommendation, with fish-keepers using a range of 1″ to 2.5″ for a fish-only tank. For a planted tank, you’ll need an additional 1″ nutrient layer below the sand or gravel, as described below in this FAQ.

How many Mollies Can I put in a 30 gallon tank?

Depending on the species, you may add up to four mollies to the tank. For Sailfins and other larger mollies, however, you’ll need to arrange a 30-gallon aquarium. To live comfortably, each extra molly will require about 3 additional gallons.

How many Neons can be in a 30 gallon tank?

How Many Neon Tetras In a 30 gallon Tank. A 30 Gallon Tank (Buy Online) can hold a large school of 15 to 20 Neon Tetras. With this amount of Neon Tetras, you’ll start to see their true schooling behavior, and they will be more active and less likely to hide when they are afraid.

What is the best fish for freshwater tank?

One of the more hardy freshwater aquarium fish available for beginners are Danios. Due to their hardiness, they are the perfect fish for people who don’t have much experience with setting up a tank. Nov 17 2019

How many fish per gallon aquarium?

If you have a regular-sized rectangular fish tank—the most common type—you can put in up to 2 average-sized fish per gallon. For those interested in small fishes, your rectangular tank can accommodate 3 or 4 fish per gallon.

What are the measurements of a 30 gallon fish tank?

It works for saltwater fish as well as freshwater fish and the clarity of the glass allows for the fish and plants inside to pop against the blue background that conceals the filtration system. The 30 gallon fish tank dimensions measure 36 inches by 12 inches by 16 inches and weighs a nice 20 pounds.

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